“But I do. “The Young. His eyes widened and some redness started to creep up his face. - Tayli'ac? And talking only brought them more pain. But I still love it! “Please forgive my interference, Mr. Mereel.” His voice was deep and rich. The bandits are clearly aware of his existence and as far as he knows, no one had found the camp yet.”. Anakin frowns and searches his memory for the word, but before he can find anything, Amu speaks. Anything else?’ Raigi shook her head. And those who did were either complete idiots, or very drunk. ‘What do you mean, he doesn’t remember?’ Jaster’s voice sounded weird, the connection too unstable. I plan to request their help to destroy the Kyr’tsad.”. ), The title (Aliit Ori’shya Tal’din) means “Family is more than blood.”, (See the end of the work for more notes.). How was it possible? Shmi pulls her hand from his and throws her arms around his neck, burying her face in the junction between his shoulder and his neck. “Two days ago, there were one hundred and forty-three people in the camp. “I hope I have not overstepped the bounds of your hospitality by bringing them along, Mand’alor Mereel.”. From Green to Red Part 1 Unread post by Aondeug » Thu May 11, 2017 7:06 pm Why so? It wasn’t a big surprise to him. Jaster was taken aback by the desperation he heard in the adiik’s voice. The rest are older.’. It was hard to tell their age, the pair was far too thin and lanky. What is your name?Jetii'kad – Lightsaber; Literally: “Sword of (the) Jedi”Copikla – Charming, cute (babies and animals, never women unless you want your head ripped off)\Elek – YesManda – The collective soul or heaven - the state of being Mandalorian in mind, body and spirit - also supreme, overarching, guardian-likeKa’ra – Stars, ancient Mandalorian myth – ruling council of fallen kingsRet'urcye mhi – Goodbye, - lit. She had tried to chase that particular thought away and still held onto hope. A bluish holo appeared in the air above her arm. The ad was shaking in the seat. Wat’z language?’ He wondered, looking up at him for an answer. But to fight against them, the Jetiise and Death Watch (Jaster had no doubt that it was them, Obi-Wan description was quite telling. But all the Masters said it would pass. “And then the shooting started. And then asked louder: “So, tell me, how do you know our Alor?”. Debrief starts in five.” He left then, listening to Tuc’s stifled curses as he tried to find his clothes. – Well done!Jate – GoodSu cuy'gar, ner gai Jaster. “I believe you were escorting me to Medical, yes?”, © 2017–2021 Say from what simple springs began / Premium Tumblr Themes by Themelantic /  Powered by Tumblr. They tell stories to pass the time. And we decided to show the Elders that war is not an option.”. Could he find a way to warn them? She wanted…. He was not alone. He raised his gaze and found that everyone was looking at him. The Governor of Galidraan informed them that his city was suffering from bandit attacks and hired Jaster’s men to hunt them down. Get TikTok App. Tuc rolled his eyes and walked away to bother a couple of captains. And Fee. Hugh Simon. She scanned the building and didn’t find a single living soul. They awe vewy scawy.’ He whispered; voice hoarse. And we accepted everyone who wanted to fight for our future, whether from Melida or Daan.” Raigi almost did not hear her next words, too wrapped up in the meaning of the previous ones. (Come on a journey to explore family with me, Jango Fett, and Shmi and Anakin Skywalker. The cheerful words occurred milliseconds before Obi-Wan registered both his padawan’s stark presence in the Force and the accompanying form barreling into him. He shook his head, laughing quietly. “You’ll live.” He said, waving his hand carelessly. ‘Oh, I know Basic, Wyl and Galactic Sign Language and wight now I’m leawning Bocce.’ Jaster blinked in surprise. Jaster made a mental note to message her later. Mando’ade were passionate people. “Shi’yayc?” He asked, sounding so puzzled that Raigi let out a surprised laugh. “Yeah, yellow, that’s me.” She smiled widely. “What would you recommend to do, Master?”. Raigi waited in silence. Despite it all, by some truly incredible combination of circumstances, Jinn ended up taking Obi-Wan as his Padawan. “Karking Ka’ra forsaken haran. It will take forever to search, only Zhar system has four orbits and there are five systems. It was a relatively comfortable amount of time, within the parameters of Obi-Wan’s Phase Two. “Now, would you like to learn how to ask someone’s name?” Obi-Wan nodded eagerly, almost bouncing in his excitement. Jango and Myles approached him. Raigi smiled faintly. “What did he say?” She asked, worrying her lip between her teeth. Before today, he had never heard the name Obi-Wan Kenobi. “Cadavine sector? Despite Obi-Wan’s protests and the Force’s clear insistence that they have to stay and help, Master Jinn choose Master Tahl instead of the Young. Otherwise, the Galaxy will lose Haat Mando’ade forever.’ He said, looking very grim. Jaster simply shrugged. These Force damned karking memories. Friends 119 155. Last Edit: May 31, 2008 11:42:06 GMT -5 by Del Maro. Obi-Wan had the Force, he would be fine. If a Mando asks you this, they expect an answer; it’s literal.. Raigi snorted, shaking her head. Notes: Would you guys like if I continued this? Every time Jaster asked what exactly he did not understand and then slowly and plainly explained the topic to the best of his ability. 3. Will we suppress his memories every time?”, Master T’un looked as calm and collected as ever. And maybe- no. He stared at the place it had been for a few moments and then shook himself, returning to the map on the table. Jaster simply continued to stare at his comm. “Me'vaar ti gar?”. These are just my friends, remember I told you that sometimes they are a bit...” He paused, searching for the right word. Jango was a little paler than usual, but that was not from fear, no. There were also dozens of other meanings that were less or more important, with varying degrees of obviousness. Tii’gal heaved an exasperated sigh, very audible on their channel. She caressed his face gently and murmured quietly: “Me’bana bah gar, ad’ika?” What happened to you, kid? He sent the message to Raigi and then replayed it again, trying to memorize every new detail on his ad’s face. Sooo… I was mad at Qui-Gon for leaving a TEENAGE Obi-Wan alone in the middle of a freaking civil war, and so I wanted to give him another family. We’ll deal with everything on our own.”, Jaster sighed. It’s always best to have a backup plan in case an ally decides to stab you in the back. Archived. Jango made a small noise. Enjoy! Adoptees are given the same status and treated the same . aliit ori'shya tal'din ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur The Mando'a Language Version, MrKlingon.org and the Universal Translator Assistant Project are in no way affiliated with Lucasfilms. Mace did not know what to tell Obi-Wan, could not look into his pleading blue eyes and lie. 166. Raigi tilted her head to the side. Me’bana bah gar?” Jango unknowingly echoed his father’s words. “So you can say whatever you want to him yourself.” Raigi said and with a nod turned around to walk into her ship, leaving a still silent Cerasi behind. Dooku’s frown deepened. There would be no repeat of Geonosis. ‘Obi-Wan! Before Jaster could finish speaking, the entire room was filled with loud objections. ‘Don’t let Obi-Wan come back here under any circumstances. In his grief he had distanced himself from the rest of the Order and made several dubious decisions. The amount of bragging at his bounty, he thought sourly, was rather uncouth no matter how insightful it was. The children did not let them into the city, instead comming their leader when they learned about the purpose of the Jedi’s journey. Liked. Or he has a way to get out of the camp undetected. It was unknown. He had been correct in his estimation of time – the door took approximately six minutes longer than Anakin’s usual speed, but since it had marginally improved Obi-Wan’s own best by nearly a minute and a half, he considered it a job well done. Two days later, under the cover of night, Raigi moved her ship into the city, which she found out was the capital named Zehava. “Karking Jetiise. As they neared the edge of their camp, Jaster put his buy’ce on. K'oyacyi - 1. Or they could… talk to the Jetiise. Some old messages from Arrud, several new ones from Jango, informing him that they’ve entered Eos’ atmosphere. Obi-Wan’s desperate gaze was the last thing Jaster saw before the call was cut off abruptly. The next few days were spent in blur. ursiday. “It’s a substitute for your name, given by your friends or family. Obi-Wan only blushed and ducked his head when asked these kind of questions, so the Mando’ade tried not to push him too fast. The circumstances dictated that this section of the reconnaissance needed to be a single-man mission, the parameters of the data-seller’s security too narrow for even a squad to pass through without tripping several alarms. Simple enough, if not particularly easy - nothing in this war has been easy, and it draws a muted scowl across Obi-Wan's face. (It never disappeared, just lay in wait for the right moment to pounce. A huge bruise was blooming on his left cheek. ‘Vor’e, vod.’ He murmured quietly, closing his eyes briefly. They seemed nervous, constantly looking around, one hand on the blaster on their hip. They were clearly distraught by something. Jedi Master Yan Dooku.” He gestured at the female beside him. Then he caught Myles’ gaze and the two seemed to have a whole wordless conversation. “Anywhere?” He asked, raising his gaze at her. He would consider the Governor’s involvement after they’ve dealt with the Kyr’tsad. “These hut’uun’e were too busy killing each other and the ade to give a kriff.” Raigi answered, her voice perfectly calm. He settled on leaning heavily on the table and running a hand over his face. They stopped next to the nearest terminal and quickly inserted a data chip inside. How heavy was it? Obi-Wan couldn’t understand why the mere sight of this Mandalorian made him feel safe… And loved. 163. He is currently in my infirmary.” Raigi threw her hand up to stop Jango from talking. Healthy? But unfortunately, it was reality, not a fairytale. He still had a campaign to plan. “Can you tell me what happened?” She asked softly. Raigi connected the device to the ship’s navigation system and followed the signal. They stay like that for several minutes before Shmi pulls away and tugs Jango into her house. Raigi shook her head. “We also believe that he’s been secretly working with the bandits.” Arrud put in. It didn’t bode well for either of Masters. Others had noticed his absent-minded mood. His fists involuntary clenched tight, and Jango was trembling slightly from rage. Instead his curious gaze quickly swept over Jaster’s uncovered face. It’s been a long time since Mandalorians were spoken of in the Temple. Ever since he had managed to unite the Mandalorians seven years ago and became the first official Mand’alor in centuries, their sector had flourished. Over the loud noise Jaster didn’t hear the call on his comm. Barely an hour had passed, but that should put Cody halfway through his own Phase One. Slightly behind the man stood another Jetii. Every time he tried to ask, the adiik would stop talking and turn his face away from Jaster, only speaking again when the topic was changed. Cerasi gave her a small real smile this time. Much of what Jaster had heard was already known to him, and some of it was news to him. “You, Tii’gal and Jess – with me. Soon, Obi-Wan was crying heavily into the pillow. He doesn't dare hurt her. Still, he needed time to process, so Raigi used this pause to think about the sitrep Jaster had given her. Did he have a nightmare? Except, when he had finally commed, no one answered. “The ad who cared for Obi-Wan, her father is the leader of Melida’s faction. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER THE GALAXY STANDS LEADERLESS. Unread post by Linebeck » Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:30 pm He was even angrier when Jaster told him how he had originally met Obi-Wan. “I do not know how Obi-Wan originally ended up on this planet, but the ad who took care of him told me that he came to help them with their civil war.”. A very young Initiate had received a vision about Mandalorians. "I'm here, ad'ika. Aliit ori'shya tal'din Mando'a, writer, rat owner, tea drinker, 25, queer, they/them, Canadian.

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