Later that evening, the COP/MOP contact group convened to take stock of progress made during the afternoon and evening. [original research? In fact, many delegates first learned about the Copenhagen Accord on the internet and draft versions of the text were also leaked through the media long before the official UNFCCC document was produced. The decision includes options on: tables to replace the table in Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol; aggregate and individual emission reductions; AAUs; and length and number of commitment periods. What happens next? Tuvalu stressed that their aim was not to merge the Kyoto Protocol with a new instrument but to preserve the legal architecture, including the Protocol. Algeria, for the African Group, said GEF reforms are encouraging but inadequate, noting the need to strengthen urgent priorities for beneficiaries. The EU recommended establishment of a “friends of the chair” group. Many other delegates expressed frustration noting that their leaders were already in Copenhagen at a formal dinner hosted by the Queen of Denmark and there were only hours remaining before they would be engaged in the process. During the first meeting of the contact group, Chair Hedegaard explained that the contact group’s mandate is to prepare the outcomes of Copenhagen emerging from the Protocol negotiating track and that the work of the group would be based on the text forwarded by the AWG-KP to the COP/MOP. In the stocktaking plenary, Vice-Chair Dovland noted agreement on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and cleaner text on common metrics, but described a lack of agreement on including new greenhouse gases. Outcome: The AWG-KP adopted its report to the COP/MOP (FCCC/KP/AWG/2009/L.15), which contains a draft decision on Protocol amendments pursuant to Article 3.9. Australia, for the Umbrella Group, supported limiting global average temperature increase to 2°C and a 50% reduction in global emissions by 2050. On greenhouse gases, the draft decision presents options on the inclusion of new gases. Benito Müller commented on criticisms of the UNFCCC process. Parties agreed on a two-year negotiating process, the Bali Roadmap, which included “tracks” under the Convention and the Protocol and set a deadline for concluding the negotiations in Copenhagen. Parties agreed to the proposal. He then invited the US to indicate how their views might be better reflected. COP Decision: The decision adopted by the COP takes note of the Copenhagen Accord, which is attached to the decision. The SBI adopted conclusions on 12 December. The current UN framework convention on climate change process has been found wanting over the past few weeks. “We have come here to negotiate in good faith and listen to developing country concerns – and all they do is block any progress for procedural reasons,” commented one developed country negotiator. ... the Danish minister of climate and energy, who will be chairwoman of the Copenhagen … On support for adaptation, parties discussed the placement of specific issues with a view to avoiding duplication with the section on financing, in particular concerning: scale and sources of financing; institutional arrangements; provision of support; and specific modalities. He underscored significant progress but regretted that parties were unable to reach agreement on amendments to the Kyoto Protocol. You should listen and take advice from those who know how this process works.”, Informal consultations ensued, taking up an entire day of negotiating time on Wednesday during the second week, at what many saw as a “critical point” in the Conference. COP Decision: In its decision (FCCC/SBI/2009/L.29), the COP requests the SBI to continue its consideration of the fourth review of the financial mechanism at SBI 32, with a view to recommending a draft decision for adoption by COP 16. Found inside – Page 224Firstly, the Copenhagen Accord is not legally binding. This reduces the likelihood that the ... Whilst the Copenhagen Accord may be superseded by ... 6 Copenhagen Accord, 2009, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. New Zealand noted that extension of the share of proceeds would require a Protocol amendment rather than just a COP/MOP decision. She expressed readiness to work on the basis of these texts, but said they do not want anything imposed on them. He stressed financing as a key, welcoming the emerging consensus among developed countries to provide approximately US$10 billion annually for the next three years to the Copenhagen Launch Fund. However, we are always told to take into account the "political realities" of rich countries. Sudan, for the G-77/China, called on parties to fulfill the mandate of the BAP and to reject attempts to shift responsibility onto developing countries. Bangladesh, Tuvalu, Egypt and Guatemala said they had yet to be contacted by the COP President for consultations and noted that they should be inclusive, transparent and include all major groups. Mexico thanked Denmark for hosting the Conference, saying delegates were received and welcomed by “warm people” and expressed gratitude to the Government and people of Denmark, especially the city of Copenhagen. He noted that “the world is literally holding its breath” and called on world leaders to translate the current political momentum into “a decisive moment of change.”, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted the long road to this “defining moment” and said that “we are here today to write a different future.” He called for a fair, ambitious and comprehensive agreement, specifying that this means: more ambitious mid-term mitigation targets from industrialized countries; more action by developing countries to limit emissions growth below “business as usual;” an adaptation framework for all countries; financing and technology support; and transparent and equitable governance. Specific, binding targets are extremely important and need to be worked out. The Secretariat explained that the SBI would be invited to refer the draft treaty arrangements to COP/MOP 5. Final text of the Copenhagen Accord. This was due to the opposition of countries such as Bolivia, Venezuela, Sudan and Tuvalu who registered their opposition to both the targets and process by which the Copenhagen Accord was reached. As part of the 2009 Copenhagen negotiations, a number of countries produced the Copenhagen Accord. Relevant topics such as the following will be among the many issues discussed:[62], The Danish government and key industrial organizations have entered a public-private partnership to promote Danish cleantech solutions. Divergent views were also expressed on the composition and nomination of the board and its corresponding functions. NATIONAL STATEMENTS: From 16-17 December, the high-level segment heard statements by Heads of State, Heads of Government and other heads of delegation, starting with statements from representatives of the main negotiating groups. Many African countries stressed the need to continue improving regional distribution of CDM projects, as well as Africa’s participation in the CDM. Japan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Nigeria, Libya and others, opposed by Grenada and Tuvalu, stressed the importance of including CCS under the CDM. At the same time AWG-LCA 9 and AWG-KP 11 will also take place. Algeria, for the African Group, expressed serious concerns with the lack of progress at previous meetings and reminded parties that Africans are already impacted by climate change through increased droughts, health hazards, food scarcity and migration. Parties could not agree on the appropriate approach for exchanging information, with many developing countries preferring a permanent forum and developed countries expressing concern with language on institutional structure. Tuvalu said that in the UN system, nations large and small, are given respect and that the public announcement of a deal before bringing it before the meeting of the COP was disrespectful of the process and the UN system. Difficulties were expressed with, among other things, listing commitments contained in Convention Article 4 (commitments) and language on a governing body allocating funds among thematic areas. He also called for further consideration of the GEF’s report on implementation of the Poznań strategic programme on technology transfer, particularly regarding the effectiveness of the implementation. India outlined that deeper emission cuts by developed countries would positively impact the price of CERs, which would be beneficial to the Fund. The G-77/China highlighted the importance of text requiring developed countries to refrain from unilateral protectionist trade measures, which was opposed by some developed countries. [119][120] The agreement made was non-binding but US President Obama said that countries could show the world their achievements. (Esty, 2009)1 To answer this question, this paper will borrow the six criteria introduced by Aldy, et al. He reminded parties that the COP plenary would convene in the afternoon and parties could then decide how to proceed. General Support for the Bulletin during 2009 is provided by the Government of Australia, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, the Ministry of Environment of Sweden, the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, SWAN International, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Japanese Ministry of Environment (through the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies - IGES), the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (through the Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute - GISPRI), the Government of Iceland, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the World Bank. However, it is not a legally binding agreement. The Chair’s draft decision text remained unacceptable to some parties and discussions continued on draft conclusions requesting the Chair of the SBI to draft new decision text. She said a political outcome was inadequate and that AOSIS would “have to consider our options” if a legally-binding outcome is not achieved. He said the contact group would have a mandate to complete work on unresolved issues within a short deadline and that open-ended drafting groups would be convened, chaired by “people we know well and trust.” Sudan, for the G-77/China, requested clarity on the deadline. On institutional arrangements, debate centered on whether to “operationalize” or “strengthen” the financial mechanism of the Convention. Kazakhstan stressed that her country has been communicating relevant information to parties since June. On the way forward, he said the contact group would begin working on 8 December and that it would launch drafting groups to produce agreed text on all the elements of the BAP, using the non-papers as a starting point. Among them are the emissions targets industrialised … Indonesia, Norway, Australia, the EU and others also supported that the COP facilitate implementation of the Copenhagen Accord under Convention Article 7.2(c). CLOSING PLENARY: The COP/MOP adopted the report of the session (FCCC/KP/CMP/2009/L.1) and a resolution (FCCC/KP/CMP/2009/L.5) by Mexico commending Denmark for the excellent arrangements at COP/MOP 5. On developing country mitigation, the US proposed bracketing the entire section and inserting words “option one.” He called for inserting “option two” consisting of “alternatives suggested by parties,” and highlighted that this gives a “clear sense of different ways to think about this problem” and the need for “fundamental revisions.”. [19], To cut emissions by 34% below current expected levels by 2020. SBSTA Conclusions: In its conclusions (FCCC/SBSTA/2009/L.14), the SBSTA inter alia: endorses the EGTT rolling programme of work for 2010-2011; welcomes the final EGTT report on performance indicators; and notes the offer of the Government of Belize to host the Latin America and Caribbean regional workshop on preparing technology transfer projects for financing, which will be held in Belize in 2010. This section retains the two options: one to take no decision with respect to this issue; and the other to enable all parties to participate in the trading of units from all market-based mechanisms.

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copenhagen accord 2009