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coastal ecosystem services

Regarding practical applications, ecosystem service assessments have a high potential to support decision making even in complex coastal systems. In an attempt to incorporate ecosystem services in decision making processes, they must be mapped and/or assessed. 2008). There are two ways in which current economic studies of ECE services are incorporating such synergies. The east coast is low-lying with lagoons, marshes, beaches and deltas rich in mangrove forests. Biodiversity and conservation 24(1): 187-197, Barbier, E. B., Hacker, S. D., Kennedy, C., Koch, E. W., Stier, A. C. and Silliman, B. R. (2011): The value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services.

In other regions of the world, dunes have been used for agricultural purposes (Pye and Tsoar 1990). The impacts to beach and dune function have been mostly in the form of changes in sand stabilization and distribution. Estuaries, places where rivers meet the sea, are among the most productive environments for supporting commercial fisheries around the world and are vital to the economy. For example, school holidays and temperatures have the greatest influence on visitor numbers, and the visitors' propensity to visit the coast increases rapidly at temperatures exceeding 15°C (Coombes et al. Both the classification used by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) and the adapted classification used by TEEB (2010) distinguish between the four classes of supporting (or habitat) services, provisioning services, regulating services and cultural services. Burkhard, B. and Maes, J. The distinct marine ecosystems found in these This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This book answers key questions about environment, people and their shared future in deltas. Provisioning services include tangible products from ecosystems that humans make use of, such as agricultural crops, timber, fish and seafood or fresh water. These include regulation services such as shoreline stabilization, nutrient regulation, carbon sequestration, and both detoxification of polluted waters and waste disposal; provisioning services such as supplying food, fuelwood, energy resources, and natural products; and amenity services such as coastal livelihoods, shipping, domestic tourism and recreation, and international tourism and recreation.

ESMERALDA incorporates existing ecosystem services projects and databases such as the working group MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services) which has created an analytical framework when mapping/assessing ecosystem services for consistency throughout the EU (Biodiversity Information System for Europe) [13]. Within any given area, living and nonliving interact with each other. The location of ECEs in the land–sea interface suggests a high degree of “interconnectedness” or “connectivity” across these systems, leading to the linked provision of one or multiple services by more than one ECE. Provisioning service benefits are obtained directly from the ecosystem (e.g. This classification has been frequently applied to ecosystem service mapping studies globally, which are based on the so-called matrix approach [10]. This book applies the ‘ecosystem services’ framework to coastal environments, showing how it could facilitate an adaptive management strategy. Improving the assessment and valuation of ECE services should therefore be a top policy priority for any global management plan for these ecosystems (Granek et al.

NOS is working to identify the link between human activities and ecological disturbances in estuarine environments. There are a number of difficulties that must be overcome when mapping ecosystem services. The programs and projects that support this effort are lengthy. Discussion Plan •Overview of Vulnerability Assessment Approaches and Gaps Identification •Conceptual Approach/Description of … humans depend for food, economic activities, inspiration, and enjoyment. 2010). They span from broad ecosystem-wide and watershed-scale projects to microbiological and analytical chemistry projects that delve into DNA analysis and bio-chemical reactions. Coastal zones are bearing the brunt of an increase in the likelihood of extreme events, coupled with sea-level rise (SLR). Beaches vary in their ability to attenuate waves depending on a continuum in their morphology (Carter 1991, Hesp and Short 1999, Short 1999). SynopsisThis guidebook details the steps in conducting a coastal ecosystem valuation to inform decision making in the Caribbean. (2002) estimate the benefits arising from a wide range of ecosystem services provided by the Peconic Estuary in Long Island, New York, USA. Although many factors contribute to global mangrove deforestation, a major cause is aquaculture expansion in coastal areas, especially the establishment of shrimp farms (Barbier and Cox 2003).

2007, Ruggiero et al. 2014) [28]. The module ends with a discussion on the key differences This open access book introduces the essential concepts and principles required to implement ecosystem-based management, detailing tools and techniques, and describing the application of these concepts and tools to a broad range of aquatic ... Designated by Congress, these special ocean and Great Lakes areas are designed to protect natural and cultural resources, while allowing people to use and enjoy our oceans and coasts. The contributors describe a decision support system (DSS) based on the 3 Ps – pluralism, pragmatism and precaution – that leads to a more flexible, ‘learn Although it is adjacent to the marine ecosystem, the coastal ecosystem is a land ecosystem. In these highly populated areas, multiple actors, interests, and activities coexist, leading to intensified conflicts between stakeholders. Monetary methods in the past have been more common[16], as this allows for ecosystem services to be included in traditional cost-benefit assessments and can help policy makers realize important decisions[17]. Coastal areas provide essential resources, buffer land from storms, and provide living space for almost half of the global population. Because of the importance of this water source, the Meijendel dune is managed as a nature reserve that serves both drinking water and recreation needs. An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico discusses the benefits and challenges associated with using an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment, describing ... The aggregate annual benefits are estimated to be $67 per acre for intertidal mud flats, $338 for salt marsh, and $1065 for seagrass across the estuary system. Ecological and socioeconomic impacts of 1998 coral mortality in the Indian Ocean: an ENSO impact and a warning of future change? The value of some ECE services can also vary spatially (i.e., distance from the shoreline) and temporally (i.e., seasonality). In addition, bird-watching and waterfowl hunting are popular activities. Key Findings More than 100 valuation studies … Harnessing the climate mitigation, conservation and poverty alleviation potential of seagrasses: prospects for developing blue carbon initiatives and payment for ecosystem service programmes. Monetary valuation can downplay intrinsic, symbolic and other non-economic values and is especially inadequate at valuing most non-use services[18]. Using these estimates, the authors calculate that the asset value per acre of protecting existing habits to be $12 412 per acre for seagrass, $4291 for salt marsh, and $786 for mudflats; in comparison, the asset value of restored habitats is $9996 per acre for seagrass, $3454 for marsh, and $626 for mudflats. A simple but technical introduction to the economic valuation methods that are applicable to marine and coastal ecosystem services; 2. My dissertation explores ecosystem services through different time and spatial scales in coastal wetlands of Northwest México. In Malaysia, it is estimated that mangrove forests sustain more than half of the annual offshore fish landings, much of which are from reef fisheries (Chong 2007).

TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution 21: 309-315, Biodiversity Information System for Europe. The ecosystem services element provides the necessary link between the functioning ecosystem and human uses, and they are the focus for informing management decisions, establishing management goals, and evaluating management outcomes. Editable resources for building and using ecosystem services conceptual models in coastal habitat and restoration projects and programs. As indicated in Table 2, seagrass beds provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including raw materials and food, coastal protection, erosion control, water purification, maintenance of fisheries, carbon sequestration, and tourism, recreation, education, and research, yet reliable estimates of the economic values of most of these services are lacking. Freshwater diversion accounts for 11% of deforestation, and reclamation of land for other uses causes 5% of decline. For example, researchers at the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science are using remote sensing and physical observation to provide coastal managers with the tools needed to protect public health, restore damaged habitats, and improve community interactions with surrounding ecosystems. 2008, Aguilar-Perera and Appeldoorn 2008). 2008). The results show that (1) the world's coastal ecosystem service value is about 4.13E+23 sej/yr, of which Asia and North America contribute about 55% of the total service value; (2) the top ten countries in terms of the world's coastal ecosystem service values are Canada, Indonesia, Australia, the United States, Brazil, the Russian Federation, Norway, the Philippines, Mexico, and China, which … NCCOS is also evaluating different habitat restoration techniques for seagrass beds, oyster beds, and coral reefs. 1 and 2, valuation of ECE services is a key step in demonstrating how these human drivers of change alter ecosystem structure and functions, and thus the ecological production of important ecosystem goods and services that benefit human beings. Supporting services can be defined as the basic ecosystem processes, structures and functions that are necessary for the provision of the other ecosystem services; they only have an indirect impact on human well-being[7] They are also referred to as “intermediate services”, in contrast to provisioning, regulating and cultural services which form the group of “final services”.

One approach is to assess the multiple benefits arising from entire interconnected habitats, such as estuaries. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. This book is a compendium of case studies illustrating how economic tools and techniques can be used to address a wide range of problems in the management and conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems in a developing country context. (2017) [27]. This book provides recent environmental, ecological and hydrodynamic information for the major estuaries and the coastal marine systems of the Western Indian Ocean Region. 2004). For example, in the U.S. states of New Hampshire and Maine, a coastal erosion program that preserves five miles of beach is estimated to have net benefits, adjusted for the costs associated with the risk of injury to swimmers from the control measures, disturbance to wildlife habitat, and deterioration of water quality, of $4.45/household (Huang et al. The tidal mudflats, salt marshes, and seagrass (eelgrass) beds of the estuary support the shellfish and demersal fisheries. More information: David Cook et al, Co-production processes underpinning the ecosystem services of glaciers and adaptive management in the era of … 2008, Aguilar-Perera and Appeldoorn 2008, Barbier et al. The Indian coastline can be divided into the Gujarat region, the west coast, the east coast and the Islands. Finally, where appropriate, ecological restoration of key ECEs should be encouraged. The importance of coastal and marine ecosystems for ecosystem services provision has long been recognized.

Foredunes can vary in height and width, and thus their ability to attenuate waves, depending on the presence of vegetation and sand supply from the beach (Hesp 1989; Hacker et al., in press). biomass allocation), which can have strong implications for ecosystem functions and services (e.g. 2004, Moreno-Casasola 2004). The global decline in estuarine and coastal ecosystems (ECEs) is affecting a number of critical benefits, or ecosystem services. Together, these things form an ecosystem. Coastal ecosystems of the Nordic countries, such as kelp forests, blue mussel beds, eelgrass meadows and shallow bays and inlets, provide a number of supporting, provisioning, regulating, and cultural ecosystem services to both the local ... (2005) report that, after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, there was total devastation and loss of 150 lives in a resort located directly behind where a foredune was removed to improve the scenic view of the beach and ocean. Coasts and small islands may comprise just 4% of the Earth's total land area, but as this review has shown, the ECEs that dominate these geographic areas provide some of the most important global benefits for humankind. This is one important area for future direction of research into ECE services that requires close collaboration between economists, ecologists and other environmental scientists. temporal and spatial scales, coastal environments coproduce a range of ecosystem services (ES) and benefit different social groups. Similarly, Meynecke et al. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, In the past two decades, there has been an increase in the number of studies and journal articles designed to measure the economic … In other words, wave attenuation is greatest for the first 100 m of mangroves, but declines as more mangroves are added to the seaward edge. (2003) find that a one-meter increase in beach width, or equivalently, the prevention of one meter of beach erosion, increased oceanfront and inlet-front property values by $233 on Tybee Island in the U.S. state of Georgia. The widespread decline in CME services suggests that it is important to understand what is at stake in terms of the critical benefits and values of these services. Geneva: UNEP, Haines-Young, R., & Potschin, M. (2010): The links between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. 2010). Landscape Online 34: 1–32, Burkhard, B., Kroll, F., Nedkov, S., and Müller, F. (2012): Mapping Ecosystem Service Supply, Demand and Budgets. (n.d.). In D. Raffaelli & C. Frid (eds.

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coastal ecosystem services