But, Zakariya and his wife kept praying to Allah even when they were past childbearing age. Despite not making much headway with his people as he preached to them, he diligently kept at is, since that is what Allah asked him to do and sent him down for. Allah revealed to him that he would have a son very soon who would be a great prophet and a leader. He was wary that after him, there wouldn’t be anyone who would carry on his message and raise the voice for emaan and belief. 2: Prophet Idrees Alaihis Salaam, his age was 356 years. And make him, my Lord, one with whom You are Well-pleased!” (Al Qur’an 19:4 – 19:6). We also learnt how Allah selected the name Yahya for him, which was a name previously unheard . The people of Israel weren’t very receptive to his message, so a messenger was necessary to keep plugging at them and ensuring that they remain on the straight path. He would affirm the innocence of Maryam. Zakariya was forced to marry another wife. He was graced with wisdom, obedience and asceticism. Such was their immense arrogance that they claimed to know more than Allah, but there is nothing new in this pattern of behaviour. Zakariya AS did not want a son to inherit his wealth, land or financial empire, for he had none. But, what is the relationship between him and his name? He was the trustee of Hekal. "'Zecheriah, We bring you the good news of the birth of a son whose name shall be John, one whose namesake We never created before.' He said: 'My Lord! The final prophet who Allah sent to mankind was Muhammad (PBUH). We see this come to fruition time and time again. used to pray devotionally and preach zealously. And you were not with them when they cast their pens as to which of them should be responsible for Mary. Allah tells us on many occasions in the Quran that He is the best of planners. PROPHET ZAKARIYA PROPHET ADAM. Indeed, Allah provides for whom He wills without account.”. Dissatisfied at the outcome, some of them asked for the cast to be repeated. He was one of the descendants of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him). This book explains the role of a prophet and the relationship between the work of one prophet and another while sharing with you the names and lives of some of the prophets of Islam. The name of his wife was al-Yashbi' who belonged to the family of Prophet Harun (peace be upon him). The pen that was selected bore Zakariya's AS name. During this time, Bani Israel had reverted to their characteristics of stirring mischief amongst each other, and more seriously, they also started initiating blasphemy against Allah SWT. Isha^ was barren. [3:39] Then the angels called to him as he stood praying in the sanctuary: That Allah gives you the good news of Yahya verifying a Word from Allah, and honorable and chaste and a prophet from among the good ones. Encouraged by the miracles he witnessed, and also being in the proximity of such a blessed place and the pure soul of Maryam AS, he prayed with utmost conviction to Allah: “My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Shortly after the birth of Maryam AS (or in some accounts, before she was born), her father, ‘Imran, passed away. Imran’s wife gave birth to a girl who they named Maryam. He was the trustee of Hekal. This time, the claimants put all their pens in the river. How can I have a son, when my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme old age." He said: "So (it will be). If we follow the stories of the Prophets, we shall see miracle after miracle, one impossible situation succeeding the next. We might ask for something that we think is beneficial, but it might not actually be good for us. One day the Israelites decided to put him to death. [3:38] There did Zakariya pray to his Lord; he said: My Lord! From the Sunnah, we come to know that Allah sent prophets to various nations and tribes of the past to guide them. He was one of Prophet Sulaiman’s (AS) descendants. As we already know, Allah sent many prophets to this nation, and he was among them. Dua of Zakariya (AS) 9. He burst out: “My Lord, how will I have a boy when I have reached old age and my wife is barren?” The angel said, “Such is Allah; He does what He wills.” (Al Qur’an 3:40). Translation: "O my Lord! He had a younger brother named binyamin from his same mother. He was born of a barren mother and an aged father. The name of his wife was They eventually proposed to write down their names and put them in a container. Like his ancestor Ibrahim AS, he had always yearned for a child to continue the legacy of prophethood, but his wife was unable to bear children. Hence, they would commit all kinds of evil deeds and partake in sin. Mary's answer inspired Zakariya to pray to God for the child he had so long desired (3.38). All the candidates wrote down their names on pens (or wooden writing instruments), and put them in a container. The name of his wife was al-Yashbi' who belonged to the family of Prophet Harun (peace be upon him).The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) was the patron of Mary, the mother of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him). It was a truly beautiful and heartfelt dua, coming purely from the heart. They had not only ignored the teachings of his Prophet but tortured him also. Yet, repeatedly, Bani Israel disobeyed from the smallest things to the largest issues, continuously rejecting the messages, signs and commands of Allah. Zakariya AS kept silent and maintained his good manner. Prophet Yahya, even in his childhood, was very wise and knowledgeable. And Verily! My favorite example is the example of Prophet Zakariya [as] in the . Allah let Zakariya {ALAIHIS - SALAAM} know that he will be blessed with a son whom he may name Yahya, no one had that name before him. According to various reports, Zakariya (AS) was either the brother-in-law or the uncle of Maryam. Every contribution, however big or small, makes a difference and help us spread knowledge to millions daily. They claimed that Allah was stingy, astaghfirullah al adzeem, and that Allah withheld from them. We have given the same name to none before him.'' (19: 7) The Prophet Yahya (peace be upon him) was dedicated to the noble work of leading men to the path of salvation. He was to name his son, Yahya (pbuh). Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) felt satisfied as his son grew up and became a symbol However, the people weren’t pleased with this outcome, and they cast lots once again. He himself was just a means for Allah to take care of her and provide her with shelter. He was one of the descendants of Prophet Solomon . Again, the result was in his favor. Related names. Once again, they drew lots, and again, it was in his favor. Although he lived an austere life, Zakariya AS was constantly in a state of gratitude to Allah, and was intensely humble in his demeanour. The name of his wife was al-Yashbi' who belonged to the family of Prophet Harun (peace be upon him). The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) was the patr… However, that is the wrong attitude. When the intention of propagation is founded on the corrupted reasons, the consequence is that our children will just be trials for us: nothing more than trivial decorations which will lead to our destruction in this life and the next. At this point in his life, Zakariya (AS) was old. However, he wanted his progeny to inherit the knowledge of Islam so that the legacy of da’wah can continue. He does what He wills. So her Lord accepted her with good acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her in the care of Zechariah. Never before him, was there a person with this name. The Supplication of Zakariya: Lessons in Making Dua. You can support HOTD and help sustain our future. He was the trustee of Hekal. Mary In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. He was also the caretaker of Maryam (pbuh), the mother of Prophet 'Isa (pbuh). The Here we have list of 25 Prophets names and their ages. He was one of the descendants of Prophet Sulaiman. Allah mentions many prophets by name in the Quran. The emphasis of upbringing is concentrated on secular education and worldly achievements, with little or no awareness of Allah. As they were seduced, they were inclined to doing evil deeds. He became a prophet when he was a child. These were the conversations of the prophets and the pious - of Mary, Abraham, righteous men and women who remain unknown to us. Therefore, this is a helpful dua to say for istighfar (asking for forgiveness). 2. This was how his life abruptly ended: in the most brutal and bloodthirsty way, and by the evil hands of the very people he was trying to guide. Maryam, the mother of the Prophet Isa, is one of the best women in the world. A child was sent to pick one of the pens at random. He came to know through And you were not with them when they cast their pens as to which of them should be responsible for Maryam. ‎Prophet Zakariya (Zachariah) was an illustrious Prophet of the Israelites. Prophet Zakariya and Birth of Mariam Mary Jesus's Mother. Prophet Zakariya (Zachariah) was an illustrious Prophet of the Israelites. These constant accusations provoked the anger of Allah upon them. And it is for that reason that Allah introduces the story by saying: "(This is) a recital of the Mercy of thy Lord to His servant Zakariya." (Qur'an, 19:2) And the result of Zakariya's hope and Allah's mercy was the fulfillment of his prayer. He exhorted his people to have unstinted faith in God. The Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) was much anxious Prophet Eesa His conduct would be exemplary to all mankind. 19 - Surah Maryam. True to Allah’s promise, his wife soon delivered a son, and he was named Yahya AS (John the Baptist). The name Yahya is derived from the word hayat meaning life. He said, “My Lord, make for me a sign.” He said, “Your sign is that you will not [be able to] speak to the people for three days except by gesture. “My Lord, make for me a sign.” He said, “Your sign is that you will not [be able to] speak to the people for three days except by gesture. Many people ask for things without really having true faith. What Allah wills to happen will eventually come to pass, whether it’s something we are in favor of or not. An account of Zakariyya and Yahya. having a son to become his good successor. When he was inspired by Allah’s bounty during his guardianship of Maryam AS, he made sincere supplication to his Lord, hoping for something that defied all logic and biology. One may also ask, what are the 25 names of Prophet? In that mosque, there are also the tombs of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.), his son Prophet Isaaq (A.S.), his son Prophet Yaqub (A.S.), and his son Prophet Yusuf (A.S.). They were the symbols of piety and righteousness. Zachariah was the patron of Mary, the mother of Jesus . He didn’t bring it for her, so he wondered how it got there and asked her. about this state of affairs. They want to show off, have them inherit wealth, and in some cases, make dynasties of rulers! So give me from Yourself an heir, who shall inherit me, and inherit (also) the posterity of Yaqub). We should remain in the same way, focusing on doing good and always worshiping Allah, calling others to do the same. The name means one who remains alive and it was chosen for him by Allah. He had no offspring and there was no suitable person to The pen that was selected bore Zakariya’s AS name. So much so that he granted his request for a child straight away. For many years, Prophet Yahya's parents were unable to have children.

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