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a gentle reminder in a sentence

Real person does the revisions. It didn't need to. I think we were born into this world with all of the knowledge and magic the Universe has to offer. Some of us, for whatever reason, are remembering. And so, here is a reminder of what you already know. Find 39 ways to say COMFORTING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. That’s why it is so important to add gratitude journal prompts to your life. So it’s best to only wait a couple of days and send a polite and gentle reminder to either respond with a timeline or an assurance that the task was completed. Related: Cover Letter Examples for an Internal Position or Promotion

Why it pays to design a carefully-worded and polite follow up email. This is particularly true for a first reminder, since your contact's lack of … dict_files/eng_com.dic This class can parse, analyze words and interprets sentences. Memento mori (Latin for 'remember that you [have to] die') is an artistic or symbolic trope acting as a reminder of the inevitability of death. The contestants participate in unique challenges and must show patience, The Ikki twins told viewers about the accident, and expressed their, Feelings with regard to the Vulcans waxed and waned between, Malta's bright story of human fortitude and courage will be read by posterity with wonder and with, Regards, Rob -------------------- " In the New testament religion is grace and ethics is, Amongst his pupils at Balliol were men destined to high positions in the state, whose parents had thus shown their confidence in the supposed heretic, and, These two principles are sufficient ground for our, The trial was successful, and by doing so he earned the, The chiefs also attended a large meeting at Maseru, and gave expression to their, It is said that Thomas distinguished himself by the ability with which he executed his commission; in any case it gave him a claim on the, It's easy to focus on things to complain about, or things you want to fix, but when you incorporate thoughts of, These poems focus on what the person does for you that cause you to feel surges of affection and, Personalized and engraved gifts are a wonderful way to express the, Since the key is to thank your parents, a gift basket can be a fun and functional way to express your, Most importantly remember that guests and those who were there to support you do not expect any kind of, Most important, though, is to express your, Being a volunteer has its own rewards for all involved, but there are occasions when it's wonderful to express, Whether you want to personalize a poem for an individual or an organization of volunteers, making the poem sound as though it were written just for that individual or group to show your, If you have a special client or want to show your, As he gazed around, he realized the people fought for Tiyan, fought for her, not out of duty or fear but out of respect and, A series of fresh depositions were sent in against her, and in June 1679 it was decided that she must stand her trial; but she was protected by the king, who in this instance showed unusual chivalry and earned her, The discovery of the Rosetta Stone furnished the key to Egyptian hieroglyphics; and archaeology, no less than the more practical sciences, acknowledges its debt of, In this he was successful at the same council which witnessed his third victory over Berengar (1059), and he thus acquired a lasting claim on William's, For his old patrons of the house of Medici Ficino always cherished sentiments of the liveliest, This prince founded the church in 1037 in.
But do this succinctly in just one meaningful sentence. Found inside – Page 348The best way to write an essay like this is to use strong topic sentences and good transitions for each of your hotly paragraphs. Your topic sentence should serve as a gentle reminder to the reader of what the thesis of the essay is. Activity 4: rules activity. Reminder Apps. We will send you an email to confirm your account. Found inside – Page 440Your topic sentence should serve as a gentle reminder of what the thesis of the essay is. Here's an example: One example of beauty found in the erceptional is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. A second instance in which true beauty lies ... ", “Real people is helping! Remember to use a valid email address. Real person does the revisions.

Live. ", “very helpful for non native speakers and also better than Grammarly :)", “Just find TextRanch by luck. Good opening email lines for a follow-up re-engage the recipient by providing value instead of just pushing the email on top of their emails. The ending is both tearful and triumphant--and a reminder that the fate of homeless people and homeless dogs can be chillingly similar. Satisfaction guaranteed! It also keeps the conference time short and sharp. Get your English checked! w.addEventListener("load", loader, false); Great. if (w.addEventListener) { The meaning of gentle is free from harshness, sternness, or violence. Found inside – Page 348The best way to write an essay like this is to use strong topic sentences and good transitions for each of your hotly paragraphs. Your topic sentence should serve as a gentle reminder to the reader of what the thesis of the essay is. I have a love/hate relationship with labels and jargon, in any field. Found inside – Page 364Your topic sentence should serve as a gentle reminder of what the thesis of the essay is. Here's an example: One example of beauty found in the erceptional is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. A second instance in which true beauty lies ... var loader = function () { Just a gentle reminder that Detective Diamond is on duty. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 08/01/13: A New Way of Seeing Things Ch. It's the best online service that I have ever used! tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s, tag); };

Thanks! Other popular email providers are Yahoo, Hotmail, and Outlook. Ralph Peters is the author of twenty-nine books, including works on strategy and military affairs, as well as best-selling, prize-winning novels. It takes an English sentence and breaks it into words to determine if it is a phrase or a clause. Found inside – Page 359Your topic sentence should serve as a gentle reminder of what the thesis of the essay is. Here's an example: One example of beauty found in the erceptional is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. A second instance in which true beauty lies ... } + Read the full interview, I love that TextRanch editors are real people who revise the text and provide feedback – it makes it so personal. The doctrines of Sikhism as set forth in the Granth are that it prohibits idolatry, hypocrisy, class exclusiveness, the concremation of widows, the immurement of women, the use of wine and other intoxicants, tobacco-smoking, infanticide, slander and pilgrimages to the sacred rivers and tanks of the Hindus; and it inculcates loyalty, The spirit of courage and endurance which had enabled the Czechoslovaks to achieve their independence was now to inspire a further work of no mean significance - the consolidation of a free, democratic and enlightened republic in the heart of Europe, the most westerly outpost of the great Slavonic world stretching from the banks of the Elbe and the Danube to the Pacific Ocean, and at the same time a nation bound by ties of, An insurrection in the north, headed by the earl of Huntly under pretext of rescuing from justice the life which his son had forfeited by his share in a homicidal brawl, was crushed at a blow by the Lord James against whose life, as well as against his sister's liberty, the conspiracy of the Gordons had been aimed, and on whom, after the father had fallen in fight and the son had expiated his double offence on the scaffold, the leading rebel's earldom of Murray was conferred by the, He expects to be treated as well as he gives, and the more you give, the more you'll receive in, Khosrau and Shirin was inscribed to the reigning atabeg of Azerbaijan, Abu Ja`far Mahommed Pahlavan, and his brother Kizil Arslan, who, soon after his accession to the throne in 582 A.H., showed his, They poured balsam on the sepulchre of the saint, washed it with their tears, and covered it with their kisses, in the belief that they were thus assuring themselves of his intercession or testifying their, However, in1674-1675the crown, probably in, The town-hall, built in 1881, contains several stainedglass windows, two of which were the gift of citizens of Amsterdam and Hamburg, in, And again all the faces in that crowd bore an identical expression, though now it was certainly not an expression of curiosity or, But his great achievement was the freeing of the Scheldt, and in token of its, Almost up to the moment of the French occupation of Tunisia the Italian government believed that Great Britain, if only out of, As Paley says, he loves " to record their fidelity to their masters, their sympathy in the trials of life, their, He carried on with Bianca like the sister she now was, and Jule couldn't help feeling a sense of. ", “Quick, professional and constructive feedback. ", “First time to use but i love it already", “I'm so thankful for the editors, they are professionals and really fast. Found inside – Page 89... be and has been understood as a gentle reminder of a death sentence. Also missing from most translations is the repetition of because in Gen 3:19: “because you were taken from it, because dust you are and to dust you will return. ", “Super cool! Solicitation for new work 👉 4. w.onload = loader;

Found insideThe best way to write an essay like this is to use strong topic sentences and good transitions for each of your body paragraphs. Your topic sentence should serve as a gentle reminder to the reader of what the thesis of the essay is. Register to get your text revised right away for FREE ⚡. She could not fathom whether it was curiosity, devotion, He wasn't sure what he felt, but it wasn't, Rainy's voice was quiet, and Damian sensed his heartfelt, The influence of German culture is also remembered with, His grandfather served in the war against Sertorius with Pompey, through whose influence he obtained the Roman citizenship; hence the name Pompeius, adopted as a token of, What about her feelings for him – perhaps, Some of his property was actually plundered, but restored at the bidding of Caesar, to whom Varro in, The marquis of Saluces, notwithstanding his, One of the most active writers on Polish philology and literature is Wladyslaw Nehring, whose numerous contributions to the Archiv fiir slavische Philologie of Professor Jagic entitle him to the, Moreover, it is clear that Aristotle addressed himself to readers as well as hearers, as in concluding his whole theory of syllogisms he says, " There would remain for all of you or for our hearers (763,7 co y uµWV rt T&?v ipcpoapEVwv) a duty of according to the defects of the investigation consideration, to its discoveries much, Great congregations have been gathered, and the work done for uplifting the fallen and outcast has earned the, This position he was not long to hold; and the fierce exultation of Mary at the news of his murder gave to those who believed in her complicity with the murderer, on whom a pension was bestowed by her unblushing, The passion of love, after very sufficient experience, she apparently and naturally outlived; the passion of hatred and revenge was as inextinguishable in her inmost nature as the emotion of loyalty and, It may be questioned whether there is any other writer to whom the Germans owe a deeper debt of, It was not long before an opportunity occurred for showing his, Early in life, too, he met with the doctrines of Jacob Behmen, of whom, in the Biographia Literaria, he speaks with affection and, On his return to Vienna he received, among other testimonies of, When he began to teach again he found consolation, and in, Newton was now in his fifty-fifth year, and whilst those of his own standing at the university had been appointed to high posts in church or state, he still remained without any mark of national, The special clauses for the benefit of the city of London were undoubtedly, inserted as a tribute of, His indefatigable work as archivist in the time when Napoleon was transferring so many treasures to Paris is not his least claim to the, Here a more complex phenomenon presents itself for analysis; we have to distinguish in the sense of merit - (1) a direct sympathy with the sentiments of the agent, and (2) an indirect sympathy with the, The feeling that his immense services had not won for him either the, Carried in great measure by means as corrupt as those by which the constitution of '82 had been worked, the union earned no, His money-getting was but part of his statesmanship, and for his statesmanship his country owes him not a little, Religion may here be defined as the conception of divine, or at least supernatural powers entertained by men in moments of, Doa Christina, apart from the dictates of, His activity on this occasion won the king's lifelong, Clement yielded at once, though the whole college of cardinals had supported his policy; and Henry, who did not learn the facts till several years afterwards, testified lively, What about her feelings for him – perhaps, Her bright spirits returned with effusive thanks; she offered to take the Deans to dinner in, Attach a wedding favor tag to each homemade favor that expresses your, Later arose the custom of granting arms as a mark of personal favour or, An affectionate son, and ever ready to give of his hard-earned income to more than one ne'er-do-well brother, he maintained that natural relationship had no claim on man, nor was, The hymn, the well-known Carmen Saeculare, gives fervent expression to the prevalent emotions of joy and, As the benefactor and protector of Roger Bacon he has a special title to the, But for this sudden revival of Cymric literature under the patronage of Elizabeth (for the obtaining of which Wales must ever owe a deep debt of, Yet she favoured the best advisers of the king, and at least in this deserved the, Being in good circumstances, he was anxious to show his, Their disillusionment, indeed, was speedy and complete, and their, The act ensured to the Sheikh the constant devotion and, She inherited all his property and bequeathed it to the Roman people, who out of, He was a warm and constant friend, and gave many proofs of, This disposition, he argues, has no regard primarily to beauty in the object, nor is it primarily based on, The cheerful, almost jovial, tone of his letters to Stella evinces his full contentment, nor was he one to be moved to, Hence, in a secondary sense, an offering to mark respect or, Dissenters had, in the main, stood shoulder to shoulder with churchmen in rejecting the suspicious benefits of James, and both, In the late 1940's Capt.Holmes presented the Church with a new bronze weathercock in, Each individual is entirely devoted to his master, adopts his manners, distinguishes and defends his property, and remains attached to him even unto death; and all this springs not from mere necessity nor from constraint, but simply from, Gerbert's policy is to be identified with that of his metropolitan, and was strongly influenced by, The officers who fought at Ayacucho, and to whom the country felt natural, Perhaps we have said enough to show that after performing a great and real service to thought Comte almost sacrificed his claims to, The base-notion is that the spirits, if they are given their due, will make a return to man: the object of the recurring annual festivals is to propitiate them and forestall any hostile intention by putting them, as it were, in debt to man - more rarely to express, It contains three divisions dealing with (1) man's sin, misery, redemption, (2) the Trinity, (3) thankfulness, under which is included all practical Christian life lived in, The new foundation received a grant from King Robert, in, Jean le Rond d'Alembert acknowledges with, With Horace and Tibullus he was on intimate terms, and Ovid expresses his, David II., driven by stress of weather, landed here with his queen Joanna in 1341, and, out of, The first task of Tiglath-Pileser was to reduce the Aramaean tribes to order, and so win the. I got impressed by the fact that "humans" answer me (in fact, I came in to check this). Hopefully, these simile examples for kids will get them excited about using "like" or "as" in their writing. ", “I can't say it enough, I love the service! Although, at times, it's appropriate to give the person a gentle nudge with a friendly reminder. + Read the full interview, I sometimes wonder if my English expressions make sense clearly and TextRanch helps me a lot in such cases. "It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day rush of life and forget what is really important. Filled with inspirational and motivational quotes, this book encourages you to be your best self. ", “Amazing! You and your Team are great! – but in a vast, Googleable world, knowing what keyword fits your life situation can be really handy for finding like-minded people or tailored advice. He has published more than a thousand essays, articles, and columns. Found inside – Page 242His next sentence was a gentle reminder of the approach of winter . “ Need means I must have . I need a new coat and cap . ” Then came a hint of his value in the domestic circle . " Daily means every day . Tom brings the potatoes up ... Real Time. This album was made completely out of love and is a personal go-to for when I need a reminder that true love does indeed exist. Found inside – Page 361Your topic sentence should serve as a gentle reminder of what the thesis of the essay is. Here's an example: One example of beauty found in the earceptional is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. A second instance in which true beauty lies ... Our reception desk is staffed from the hours of 8.00AM. The first two days I had a lockable ball gag, it was mostly a reminder and a lesson for me … I know how to be silent, even without it.
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a gentle reminder in a sentence