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simile about classroom atmosphere

What is his appeal? Found inside – Page 215Refer back to your stance on education as a guide for the kind of atmosphere you would like to establish . Skim your stance and compose a single - sentence simile : “ I want my classroom to feel like a Sample responses that may fill in ... What is his appeal? He sits there unnoticed. Why does the poet Stephen Spender say that the pictures and maps are meaningless? Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

One tall girl sits with her sinking head. (d) What is the condition of the boy?

What is it ?

and atmosphere with dialogue. Keywords: classroom teachers, metaphors about primary school teachers, metaphor 1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

(iv) What does the poem tell you about the poet’s attitude ? (b) Why do you think the tall girl is sitting with a weighed down head? Question 16. Question 8: (a) shut the doors(b) blocked the passage(c) clocked the Sunlight(d) have shut the children inside and blocked their growth, Answer: (d) have shut the children inside and blocked their growth, Question 23.What does the poet show through expressions ‘so blot their maps with slums as big as doom’? (c) distracted from the lesson.

Answer: Question 1: The poet offers a solution and hope to such god-forsaken children : Expose them to better life and better places, to sunshine and open air.

The world of these children is confined to the narrow streets of the slums. Answer: The stunted growth is depicted by ‘the paper-seeming bo/ and ‘the stunted unlucky heir of twisted bones’. This will, in turn, reinforce the power of the metaphor to… (ii) mentally ill वे शायद कभी भी जलपोतों को न देख पायें, सूर्य का ताप महसूस न कर पायें और प्यार का रोमांच भी महसूस न कर पायें। वे अपना सारा जीवन अपनी छोटी झोंपड़ी में बितायेंगे तथा ज्वालामुखी की तपती पिघली चट्टानों पर खेला करेंगे। वे कुपोषित हैं, उनके पास शीत से बचाव के लिये पर्याप्त वस्त्र भी नहीं है।, उनकी हड्डियाँ, उनकी पतली वसारहित त्वचा के अन्दर से झाँकती हैं। उनके नाक पर लोहे के फ्रेम वाला चश्मा रखा है और उसके शीशे टूटे और मरम्मत किये हुए हैं। ये शीशे ऐसे लगते हैं जैसे सड़क के किनारे पड़े किसी बोतल के काँच के टुकड़े हों। वे अपना सारा समय इन्हीं संकरी गलियों तथा छोटी-सी झोंपड़ी में बिताते हैं जहाँ प्राकृतिक रोशनी दुर्लभ है। इसलिए उनकी कक्षा में टैंगे मानचित्र पर झोंपड़-पट्टियाँ बना दी जायें, इतनी विशाल जितनी कि स्वयं मृत्यु है।, कवि चेतावनी देता है कि झुग्गी बस्ती में रहने वाले बच्चे अंधेरे में अधूरा जीवन बिताते रह जायेंगे जब तक उन्हें अंधेरों से बाहर निकालकर सही शिक्षा नहीं दी जाती। राज्य सरकार यह काम कर सकती है। अंधेरे कक्षा-कक्ष तथा झोंपड़ियाँ इनको अपने अन्दर ऐसे निगले जा रहे हैं जैसे वे कब्र हों। आओ नई पीढ़ी के इन बच्चों को हरे-भरे खेत दिखायें, उन्हें समुद्र तट पर फैली सुनहरी रेत पर दौड़ने दें, तथा पुस्तकों को रुचिपूर्वक पढ़ने दें। कब्र जैसी झोपड़पट्टी में तो केवल मुर्दे ही पड़े रह सकते हैं। वीर योद्धा या महान व्यक्ति वहाँ जन्म नहीं लेते। इतिहास की रचना केवल वही व्यक्ति करते हैं जो तन और मन से खुले मैदानों में स्वस्थ तरीके से बड़े होते हैं।. Children’s book lists – our reading book ideas for parents and teachers to encourage reading for pleasure. The paper seeming boy with rat’s eyes’ means the boy is Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. (d) The slum children should get adequate opportunity to know the world and find their place under the sun.

(a) by the burden of studies(b) by the burden of work(c) by the burden of the world(d) All these, Question 32.What does the poet wish for the children of the slums? It is a crime to let them rot there. But this is a mockery of education. Answer:

What function are they expected to perform?

1c - Setting Instructional Outcomes.
(a) Which map is the poet talking about in the above lines? (b)Till they come out of the dirty surroundings and slums of the town and come out to the green field and breathe in the open air. Answer:

The poor children of the slum have a miserable existence; they suffer from morning to night everyday. The rulers and teachers can get it done. How can their lives be made to change ? This unfortunate boy suffers from malnutrition and his growth is also ‘stunted’ – not properly developed. (iii) distracted from the lesson, (e) The children’s faces are compared to ‘rootless weeds’. Q3.

Answer: Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example, The world map shows only big cities. The rulers and teachers can get it done. Answer:

To organise writing appropriately • Re-read writing to check it makes sense.

The slum children live on ‘slag heaps’ – piles of waste material. Tick the item which best answers the following. Their pale faces express sadness.

The second fine presents a world of beauty, prosperity, progress, well-being and openness. They should have access to education because education is the key to prosperity. One unnoted, sweet and young. Analyze a story to determine its elements.

An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Think it about. . Ans.

They are ‘like rootless weeds’ as they lack proper nutrition. (b) are ill-fed. Instead of bringing cheer to the unhappy existence of the children, these walls add to their misery and dreariness. (a) power of the poor(b) the poor are powerful(c) the poor are powerless(d) maps are drawn at the orders of the powerful people like hitler, Answer: (d) maps are drawn at the orders of the powerful people like hitler, Question 28.What is the stunted boy reciting? They are confined only within the narrow streets of the slum, i.e., far away from the open sky and rivers. They are deprived of the picturesque beauty and gift of nature.

Found inside... portraits using simile or metaphor. Out of all the information that they have on themselves, which details make them unique? G Contrasts inside/outside Compare outward appearance to inner feelings (people) or atmosphere (buildings). Describe the slum children mentioned in the poem? "Fans of R.J. Palacio's Wonder will appreciate this feel-good story of friendship and unconventional smarts. What do you think is the colour of ‘sour cream’ ? Ans. They only tempt the slum children to cry for the moon, something beyond their reach. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. His eyes live in a dream, While the test was a useful tool to explore different ways in which intelligence can be understood, research calls into question whether results were being interpreted and used appropriately. On their slag heap, these children ‘ Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones He has inherited poverty, disease, and despair from his parents.

5. Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example,With ships and sun and love tempting them to stealFor lives that slyly turn in their cramped holesFrom fog to endless night?Questions [Delhi 2014](a)Who are ‘them’ referred to in the first line? (फीकी पड़ी दीवारों पर, दानवीरों के नाम अंकित हैं। शेक्सपीयर का चित्र लटका है। चमकते ग्लोब पर सम्पूर्ण संसार में सभी बड़े नगरों को दर्शाया गया है। इस पर घंटियाँ हैं, सजावट है, टीरोलीस घाटी है। यह नक्शा दुनिया को उनका अपना आकार या रूप प्रदान करता है। पर मलिन बस्ती के इन बच्चों के लिए वह नक्शे वाला संसार नहीं है, इनका संसार तो उतना ही है जो कक्षा की खिड़कियों से बाहर दिखाई देता है, इस संसार में इनका कोई भविष्य नहीं, उस पर तो धुंध चढ़ी हुई है। ये एक तंग गली में बंद हैं जहाँ से धूसर सीसा जैसा आकाश दिखता है। इन लोगों की किस्मत में नहीं कि ये नदियों, अंतरीपों तथा ज्ञान-सागर को देख पायें।. So blot their maps with slums as big as doom. (iii) has untidy hair SIMILE student Ye Wang and other students created "little world," a plastic bottle with leaves and tree fruit inside, and Japanese food wrappers, blue … Answer: Introduction A classroom teacher is a person who is responsible for preparing the children between the ages of 7 and 11 from the first to the fourth consecutive grades by educating and … Found inside – Page 16Simile Embers Metaphor • To use actions and sound effects to heighten awareness of language and images used. ... Perform to class, ensuring that sounds and actions enhance the atmosphere of the poem and supporting the language choices.

(d)It means that the boy is exceptionally thin, weak and hungry.

And yet, for theseChildren, these windows, not this world, are world,Where all their future’s painted with a fog,A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky,Far far from rivers, capes, and stars of words.

(b)The faces of these children look pale. Answer. Answer: The haunted house was standing alone in the forest. (ii) has her head bent with shame The pale cream walls which were painted long ago with the help of donations, make the place look more miserable and sad. The children belong to the world of poverty and misery in the dingy slum areas.

Q11. They still have dreams.

Answer: One unnoted, sweet and young.

The atmosphere inside the classroom is one of morbidity and inactivity. But in the last bench of the poorly lit classroom sits another sweet and young boy. This is why these pictures and maps are meaningless and a bad example. Answer: Then they will share the fruit of progress and prosperity and their fives will change for the better. Ans. He wants to play freely, see green fields and feel the sun. Metaphor – comparison using is or a form of is. (a) Which two images are used to describe these slums? (d) The ‘unlucky heir’ has been depicted here as one with stunted growth and twisted bones. Post your questions to our community of 350 million students and teachers. These children can never hope to see the wide world or read Shakespeare.


Language definition, a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition: the two languages of Belgium; a Bantu language; the French language; the Yiddish language. The poet wishes for a better life for the children of the slums. Question 1. (a) a girl(b) an old man(c) a teacher(d) an unnoticed young boy, Question 30.What kind of look the faces and hair of the children give? Question.8. Open-handed mapAwarding the world its world. The description of the dim and pathetic classroom with its ‘sour cream’ walls is rich in visual imagery of colours. (c) “The slum children spend their life only in the narrow streets of the land. 7. Unless, governor, inspector, visitor,This map becomes their Window and these windowsThat shut upon their lives like catacombs.Questions(a)Why does the poet invoke ‘governor’, ‘inspector’, ‘visitor’? Grandfather's Day Simile Poem Card Template 2.

The poet presents a grim picture of dark slums and narrow streets, fog and darkness and filth.

The narrow lanes and dark, cramped, holes or hovels make their world.

There is no hope for the slum children. (c) The children of the slum are emaciated and poverty-stricken, as against the other children who are healthy and have all the comforts and luxuries of life. The poet invokes them to help the miserable slum children. He has inherited the arthritis of his father; as a result his growth remains stunted. It is silly to put up Shakespeare and the world map on the walls.

Similes and metaphors are both types of figurative analogies, comparing two things to show their similarities. They must enjoy the freedom of expression. Answer. Answer. Question 1. In the 1920s and 1930s, he associated with other poets and socialists, such as W.H.

(Delhi 2010)

Question.2. (3.1.8-10) METAPHOR / And Shylock for his own part knew the bird was fledged,a nd then it is the complexion of them all to leave the dam. Analyze a story to determine its elements. Spender voices his concern for these children who live all their life in slums and have no opportunity to enjoy the real blessings of life.
Q3. “ The Sun” by Dan Chiasson. For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes From fog to endless night?” (Delhi 2014; Modified)

Teacher Editions with … The cream colour has faded. What is it?Ans: The slum children are being imparted education in a room whose walls are off-white in colour but are decorated with the pictures of ‘Shakespeare’, ‘buildings with domes’, “world maps’ and ‘beautiful valleys’. They play on garbage dumps. Both rewards and punishments, says Punished by Rewards author Alfie Kohn, are ways of manipulating behavior that destroy the potential for real learning.Instead, he advocates providing an engaging curriculum and a caring atmosphere “so kids can act on their natural desire to find out.” Question 4. This privileged class can provide facilities for the slum children. Why does Stephen Spender say that the pictures and maps in the elementary school classroom are not meaningful?

Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel He wishes that the children should be provided with quality education.

Awarding the world its world.

Question 11. These children are the poor children who live in the slum.

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simile about classroom atmosphere