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Um, and I couldn’t imagine at this point going back to an office job. This book solves that once and for all. We now have a guide for people of all ages to learn how to think more effectively. I highly recommend this book. So it’s not necessarily my experience that helps me tell them what they don’t know, that they don’t know. In fact, under understanding each other is unimportant. Cool. Follow Hiten on Twitter @hnshah. So then I do it. We invented a way to track data that ties the information to actual users once they sign up for your site. Got It. Um, I loved there was a talk that you instantly were doing and it did. And I definitely am not as good of a writer as her, although I really appreciate writing and I definitely write a bunch. Build your content marketing assembly line from our survey of how 2,203 companies do it.

First in 2005 with the launch of Crazy Egg. Hiten: 58:23 That means a lot to me. And then it’s retention, which is like, you know, what we talked about earlier, which is like are people retain, do they keep coming back to it. Sean: 30:36 Yeah. Hiten Shah is an expert in SAAS – also known as software as a service, content and growth hacking. Um, and, and, and, and I think like the, the thing I’m missing out on is more like being able to have dinner with myself and not have to think about anybody else. What is one piece of music or musical artists that speaks to you to, sorry, that speaks to you right now. Sean: 49:59 Well, I’m glad I caught you on a, on a, uh, or on a flow state because, and this is an interview I’ve wanted to do for a long time, so I’m really stoked. And so it doesn’t surprise me. Co-Owner @ Crazy Egg. Found insideHiten Shah has co-founded two wildly successful analytics companies with KISS Metrics and Crazy Egg. He shares ““We wasted $1,000,000 on a company that never launched.” “We were perfectionist so we built the best thing we could without ... Control Center One view to rule them all. Right. Sean: 46:04 That’s not going to be representative of the total market that’s out there for that product. So I’m just curious if you’ve noticed that. How to deal with getting cold feet before starting up? So success in the, in the method of just building something is you can build something really fast, that that would be the requirement and fast relative to what you’re building. But after that, things just tend to take off or they don’t after you basically see it, you know, and we weren’t deliberate about all that for sure, but we weren’t deliberate about like, Oh let’s go post it on hacker news or let’s go do this and that. And we knew it was the right one because these were the problems people had. Hiten is the founder of the software companies FYI, Crazy Egg, and KISSmetrics amongst many others. You may know Hiten Shah from one of the many SaaS companies he's founded over the years, including Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics, and most recently, FYI.. Like we didn’t, we didn’t tell people, hey pick, pick these out of these five challenges we said just what’s your number one challenge with remote work? Um, so yeah, I don’t know if there’s a percentage there. It’s, it seems very useful. And his Harris stick, uh, is, is a benchmark, is that com, uh, companies have product market fit. Like go do that. So yeah, it’s a trend. It’s because actually when we read like the normal way where you’re sub vocalizing and you’re reading at the speed that you can talk, your brain is just ultimately under-stimulated and it’s, it’s, it can do a lot more. It also discusses mindfulness in daily life which is aimed at creating a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in everyday activities. 170. The SEO Strategy behind Zapier's 1.5 MILLION monthly organic traffic. It seems like they have now have like an overlay thing where you can, you can see the stats that way overlaid in the browser. ; Check your Inbox and SaneBox folders with any webmail/email client.

Praise for Sell More Faster "Whether you're searching for product-market fit or have found it and are starting to scale, this book will give you the play by play approach of what you need to do to build an awesome sales organization." ... There’s people that are like pair programming with their dogs and the dog is like very intent on trying to help. VP of Growth, Imperfect Foods. Startup Growth Program Growth Sprints Bell Curve Hire Marketers. Hiten Shah started two SaaS companies, Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics. Tomasz Tunguz is a venture capitalist who blogs a lot. The only way that I get back to things at this point, uh, is through searches and like trigger words and remembering, oh, what was, you know, some unique word that I can search for that will get me back there. Board Member @ iSocket. You can build something really fast, put it out in the market, get, get people using it and see if they care about it. Your top subscription news Dropping a bomb on one billion. Well and they also embed that learning a lot better. Found insideHiten Shah (of analytics businesses KISSmetrics and Crazy Egg) spent $1,000,000 on a web hosting company that was never launched. He is a perfectionist so he built the best thing he could without even understanding what customers wanted ... Hiten: 09:20 I was just like, wow, there’s a lot of time, a lot of effort. So that’s what I do. A lot of companies run around not knowing who their customer actually is. Or you can do a bunch of research and learn what people, what people’s problems are before you build anything.

Um, can you like distill that down to something and you don’t need to like teach obviously in any depth, but just a way to convey market fit to someone who’s just not familiar with [inaudible]. But yeah, it’s an impressive piece of work. So I’m super stuck that we can now finally have this conversation and I get to ask you a bunch of stuff. In this conversation Sean interviews […], Katie Hess converted her fascination with the healing power of flower essences into a robust business that employs an all-female team of ten women across three countries. Okay. If you’re an entrepreneur or an innovator, this book puts you right to work with proven tips and tools for researching, identifying, and designing an intuitive, easy-to-use product. And the whole book is a conversation between sort of a, an older gentleman who, um, basically learned, uh, Adler’s philosophies and studied them talking to sort of a, a young, young man about the theory because a young man is asking a lot of questions and looking to poke holes in it. Hiten Shah wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on past business ideas (and you can in this video how painful those losses are to him). You’re done. Yeah. He’s worked with high-profile clients and has been known about his excellent in the growth hacking area. It’s a product that basically the promise is find your documents in three clicks or less. Most people don’t remember where that document is. It seems that every vertical/ product space is crowded. Do you plan on using web3/crypto in your business? Smart Dashboards Deep dive into your metrics. I will even watch TV shows and movies and I’m doing that at two x speed, which is not what most people do. Hiten Shah from KISSmetrics recently sat down with me to explain how to use their product, survey.io [update: this has moved to PMFsurvey], to measure product/market fit and find the “best grass” in your product.You may know Hiten from his Crazy Egg days.. survey.io is a free survey tool that helps you implement some of Sean Ellis’ techniques to get to fit. Can you share some of the SaaS that you are following and have a potential to become very big? You know, if you just, it’s there, it’s not likely. Found inside – Page 8Neil Patel and Hiten Shah also hired me to help them launch the KISSmetrics blog, and while they're not big on publishing revenue numbers, they didrecently close a $7 million venture capital round. Combined, I wouldn't be surprised if ... If you don’t think like that, what will end up happening is, you know, the, the, the, and it’s happened to me before, like, uh, a number of times, I can give some examples, but like the, the rug gets pulled from underneath you and you fall down, right? 0:55:20   What musical artist is speaking to you right now? What was the golden motion process?

Found insideO blog KISSmetrics Marketing Blog: , e o blog de Hiten Shah: . Implantação contínua, apesar de ser um assunto extremamente técnico, é de grande importância para possibilitar os ciclos ... Hiten Shah — Go-To-Market Models, Landing Page Minimalism, and Why Marketing Is Everyone's Job. 0:18:20   Have you seen themes of commonly made mistakes with the startups you work with? It’s so, and what’s the revenue model of this? Sean: 01:55 Yeah man. Hiten Shah is a pillar of the startup community having founded and run a handful of successful companies including FYI, Crazy Egg, and Kissmetrics. So I’ve never found one place where I can point someone and be like, Hey, just start, read this and start. So it is always in all this research, all this work you do on product, understanding who you’re actually talking to and what they’re saying. What ends up happening is product market fit usually happens because you have a lot of intimate knowledge about customer needs. 0:48:00   How are you so prolific and still able to run a company? You know, it’s like, it’s a report. Right. Hiten has an email newsletter called The Weekly Habit, where he shares the best links of the week for anyone interested in Product. So haven't had much to do with it in quite some time. Are you doing a task for them that benefits them? For those of you who've never heard Hiten speak, you are in for a treat. We were honored to have him speak this year at PressNomics 6 on the lessons […], Andy Wibbels was one of the first people to land a book deal from having a popular, early blog. And here’s what we know about them. I have shared parts publicly too.

Hiten Shah on Choosing the Right Value Proposition. So I think the biggest thing is like quantifying the trend and trying to figure out whether it’s going to continue and I think it is going to continue. And, uh, again, groundbreaking. It would be very difficult. Hiten: 37:48 if you want to, yeah, I’m super comfortable. This is just the people we survey, right? Yep.

Hiten Shah, Entrepreneur at Kissmetrics | SlideShare. Found inside – Page 210... dan P u analisis b lis hin CrazyEgg g /K Gberkerga website -3 /GC dan KISSmetrics. di bidang SEO, trafik level KISSmetrics, bersama Hiten Shah, yang D ig ita telah didirikannyal pada mencatatkan tahun 2008 pencapaian fenomenal. And so if you’re anti value with like a subject like that, they’re not going to care. INFORMATION. Every great idea needs a team to make it happen. Hiten and his Co-founder (who is also his brother-in-law) Neil Patel teamed up just as Neil was graduating high school. And I think there’s a pressure when you’re self funded for that to happen faster because you have to make [inaudible]. And we did a bunch of tweets to collect these and stuff. Conversational Marketing pioneers David Cancel and Dave Gerhardt explain how to: Merge inbound and outbound tactics into a more productive dialog with customers Integrate conversational marketing techniques into your existing sales and ... You, your, your boss, he, I believe he’s co-founder, correct? Optimizing your company’s culture around Mission, Values and Vision, On product positioning, marketing and winning a book deal from having his blog, Crashing trucks in Peru, sailing yachts in Croatia and launching a caffeinated energy bar, Self-publishing a book that made $11k in its first week and becoming a public speaker, From humble beginnings to an award-winning ad campaign for a major ski resort. That’s why we’re, that’s, that’s the only thing that the company’s focused on right now, which is building a product that teams love. Hiten: 18:33 people don’t think about the business enough, they don’t think about the spreadsheet, they don’t think about the milestones from, and what are business milestones, they think too much about the product milestones, which are great, but how do those product milestones lead to business results? And it’s not to save time or anything like that. Hiten Shah. If you’re not providing value to people, they’re not going to care about you. Hiten: Yeah, we built KISSinsights out from KISSmetrics and then we sold it to Sean Ellis and he renamed it to Qualaroo and we…you know, I would say this, there’s three major trends in internet marketing that we’ve definitely pushed forward and, you know, you could say that we pioneered, created, invented, whatever you want to call it. 0:33:18   What was the impetus to create the FYI product? And the reason it did is because we wanted to make sure that we provided the best possible insights about remote work based on what people think right now. It’s more like, you know, does this make sense? He’s always breaking down business concepts and analyzing trends for both SaaS businesses and startups as a whole. Yeah. Um, I want to shift gears little bit and you have come in contact with just an inordinate number of startups like [inaudible] between the ones that you’ve started and all the companies that you advise and you’re just so out there and you know, constantly helping startup founders. Hiten Shah has done it twice with his co-founder, Neil Patel. Noah Kagan. Regret: Not looking for problems. It speaks volumes for a busy entrepreneur to take time away from his family and personal life to lend advice to a fellow entrepreneur nearly 3000 miles away. Today on the show we have Hiten Shah, founder and CEO of FYI. So it’s like a bunch of tech that went into that bunch of, you know, like, like at least I would say, I think it was about five to seven days on just the design. Hiten is incredibly generous with his time teaching valuable lessons to help startup founders advance their respective causes. W W where have things gone off the rails or where have you lost product market fit? They’re not thinking about how, what’s the next problem we can solve for them? And you know, some of the best things are, we got a bunch of people to share their office setups. I even got one of my conversation snippets quoted on a site of his one time. Well, so what else, I mean, you, you, you have your hands in so many different things. Sold three micro-startups ($1, $2.5, $50k) now documenting current solo venture - it's lonely, https://www.indiehackers.com/post/business-formation-taxes-compliance-on-subscription-feedback-a5d4a5f5ec, https://producthabits.com/my-billion-dollar-mistake/. About Hiten Shah . Hiten Shah. I think the way you said it is really beautiful, which is humanizing things and I definitely enjoy that part, so I appreciate that. Ryan produces exceptional content that’s hard to find. I think that’s pretty cool. Founded three SaaS businesses (Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics, and now Nira. This handbook is an attempt to answer that question." Neil Davidson, Author. About the Author Neil Davidson is co-founder and joint CEO of Red Gate Software. Red Gate was founded in 1999 and now employs some 150 people. LEVERAGE is a leadership acceleration workshop for 20 CEOs of high-growth startups. So like it was that level of work. It’s because we have a general idea of what we want to get to and what we want to get to is more shock and awe of like, oh, when people see other gonna be like, Oh wow, this is really useful to me. Today we are throwing it right back to one of our very favorite pieces by a multi-Founder: Hiten Shah. CEO AppSumo " Brian has been at forefront of growth marketing, virtual goods and social networks.

9,957. What’s your process of writing/testing them to maximize their effect? Um, it was all a dream. Ryan Deiss From Digital Marketer Reveals The 5-Step Conversion Funnel That ... 175. Well, I mean that’s really refreshing because usually people are kind of, uh, you know, dogma all in on one way or the other. Sean: 18:21 Are there certain themes that you see in terms of the mistakes that are commonly made with all the people that you deal with? My biggest monetary failure: In the early 2000s I lost $1 million trying to start a web hosting company that never ended up launching. Based on those interviews and extensive research, we wrote engaging stories that taught sales leaders how to use data to inform their strategy. It kind of propels itself, uh, through word of mouth. MEREDITH WOOD. So it’s just, I don’t know, like the, the trend, it just seems like we’re constantly chasing email, open rates and whatnot, and it’s refreshing to hear your perspective about just like, no, go back to basics. 22:29 – Ash asks about quick wins that the listeners can take if they want to get started with SAAS. Sean: 24:41 Then it’s contextual and it’s like, oh this is what I think you might want to do. So the number one reason I see people lose product market fit is they’re just not paying attention to the customer anymore. The best you can ask for from another human being as caring, not understanding. I care about what you've learned about customers. Sean: 20:45 is there for those people. Copied ×. I don’t really, it doesn’t really matter to me and some folks who are some weird sort of hybrid or something like that, you know, where they raised a little bit of money and don’t want anymore, which is fine. Oh God, you’re gonna love this one. Uh, I think it’s, it’s more about energy nap time. Segmentation Comparative customer insights. What a wonderful, what about, what’s one tool or hack that you use frequently to save time or money or headaches? Yeah.

Okay. What's your top 3 top pieces of advice for new investors? I’ve been listening to outkast. Roam Research vs Notion with Nat Eliason, 200. So it’s always fun to read. Take This 2-minute Quiz With Amy ... 212. Found inside – Page 264Blog pemasaran KISSmetrics di http://blog.kissmetrics.com/, sedangkan Hiten Shah menulis blog di http://hitenism.com BACAAN LEBIH LANJUT The Innovator's Dilemma dan The Innovator's Solution yang ditulis oleh Clayton M. Christensen ... I might decide I don’t in six months cause I’m doing something else that’s taking up energy that would, that this kind of a, that replaces this. Hiten has invested in or advised more than 200 startups over the last 15 years and has recently turned his attention towards crypto. 25:55 – “Is the software solving a legitimate problem?”. Right.

And I know Google has since followed suit. There are people who are so definitely not trying to say I don’t have compassion for that or anything, but there’s so many people in the billions that are in are in the place where they could do this if they wanted to. Thanks for taking the time to do an AMA! If you are a startup entrepreneur, this is a must-read book for your startup journey." —Brad Feld, Managing Director, Foundry Group; co-founder, TechStars; and creator of the Startup Revolution series of books "If you're an entrepreneur, ... Then he discovered the lean startup approach to product development and everything changed. Should You Launch Your Own Online Course? Uh, what’s your advice to those folks? SaneBox folders are added everywhere you check your email. And I don’t really say that about most things, you know, and I’m not trying to give a premium on my time or anything. Simply put, do the work. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. I wouldn’t say either of them is wrong. Um, yeah, that’s really interesting. I tweet about growing startups into businesses and the occasional gif or meme. The coronavirus fast-tracked a lot of what we spoke about. He's known as a widely respected expert on metrics, but also as someone who has lived and breathed the lean startup approach and as someone who gives freely of his time to help fellow … Sean: 06:48 that that open-ended methodology just seems really interesting. And in our tool at the time it was very focused on that heat map first and foremost upfront. And what I mean by that is I have an opportunity to have dinner with whoever. So that produces a different result. Last question about what is one piece of advice? This was the first time that we had the opportunity to sit down and chew the fat on the various challenges he's faced over the years, from his early days to hitting it big with KISSmetrics.. Hiten was very candid about the failures that he … Those are the two, two different approaches. So there’s a recording, but everyone’s perception of, even when they listened to it is different. • Eliminate overwhelm and see how you’re wasting your time without realizing it. And then hopefully you still go fast, you know, um, cause that’s still important, but you haven’t decided that I’m going to build first. They’re not going to listen to you anything after that. We don’t need to understand each other. And so there’s just a ton of engineering work to build out, sort of what we believe are the simplest features for teams. Sean: 35:00 very cool. The good news: it appears to have so-called product-market fit. JAKE. Hiten builds data-driven solutions to help online businesses make better business decisions at KissMetrics. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 31:24 — 28.8MB) | Embed, Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | RSS. About the Speaker. So we have a whole bunch of pictures of those. I mean we’re Pagely isn’t a hundred percent remote company as I think, you know. And to me the undercurrent is freedom basically. Sean: 56:09 Why? If you want to talk about any specific one I’m happy to. And that was on purpose. Several times I have sent him DMs or messages and gotten an almost immediate reply. Uh, I helped with a bunch of that and then we had to go do all the work on the website itself, which is also not trivial. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And to me the fundamentals are more like make sure that whatever problem you’re solving is worth your time. I don't think any of the people who I meet that have done startups for some time even think about their hit rate. Sean: 53:31 Yeah. Uh, and, and I’m, and I’m a mentor to a few of those things too, which, uh, just gives me a little more perspective on how folks are thinking about sort of more self-funded style with a little bit of money or a little bit of help. Hiten: 17:23 I work with folks who are self funded and I work with folks who are venture backed. Offers a systematic approach to product/market fit, discussing customer involvment, optimal time to obtain funding, and when to change the plan. But I just talked about and the thing and then we lost it. So thank you for that. Hey everybody, welcome to the podcast. Found inside – Page 289How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback Dan Olsen. PEOPLE AND BLOGS Person/Website Twitter Website URL Steve Blank Ash Maurya Dave McClure Hiten Shah KISSmetrics ... My wife Amee runs Crazy Egg. ↑ "Interview with Hiten Shah, Founder, CrazyEgg".Socal Tech. Don't overthink the first version, just start writing. So it almost sounds like you’re, where you start in that loop is kind of more a function of what type of person you are, but at the end of the day, you’re ultimately gonna end up circling through that loop. There’s a few you probably know. Companies. Hiten: 55:21 Interesting. Hiten Shah Hiten Shah is a co-founder of several SaaS companies including FYI, Crazy Egg, Product Habits and KISSmetrics. Joining us today is a titan of modern marketing, Hiten Shah. They ended up getting bridged over time, but most people start one or the other way. And there’s a bunch of steps to it. 19:37 – How to use customer development to gauge the problems they’re facing and how they can solve them – a step by step guide. I just enjoy like that. I don’t know why I’m thinking of that, but if suddenly for some reason you, you have a disproportionate number of grocery store owners using crazy egg and now you’re listening to them to guide product development. And like the Internet is full of content and there’s people like me sharing and people like you sharing it, podcasts like this. Companies.

But it sounds like you’re advocating more like whatever your strong suit is, go do that. Found insideSteli Efti, Gründer von close.io und ein wahnsinnig interessanter Gründertyp, betreibt zusammen mit dem Gründer von KISSmetrics, Hiten Shah, einen der spannendsten Podcasts im Bereich Sales und Marketing: »The Start-up Chat with Steli ... If you take that approach, if you’re in this sort of problem camp and want to find the problems first and that’s what you gravitate towards, you’re not going to build anything until you’re sure about the problem. And you know how it is like if people come to conclusions themselves or do things for themselves, they tend to be more fulfilled and they tend to be happier. I listened to youtube videos at two x speed. Sean: 07:35 So, so to sort of take that output and then turn it into what you guys produced with this, you know, amazing report where you guys like you have to sit down and somehow categorize their answers, I’m guessing. So it takes, you know, longer than I’d like for it to load cause I like things to load fast. Great. Yeah. More again, you guys. Hiten: 51:22 Is it your task that you’re doing for them or I’m sorry, is it your task that you’re doing that benefits you? Hiten Shah — Cofounder of Kissmetrics — How To Assess If The Software As A Service (SAAS) Business Model Is Right For You, https://media.blubrry.com/productive_insights/p/productiveinsights.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/2015-08-19_Hiten_Shah_v3_post_auphonic.mp3, Click here to download the podcast shownotes, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles, – Founder of Kissmetrics On Branding, Investing and Lots More, on How To Use Recurring Income To Fund The Perfect Lifestyle, on his book Ask and his survey funnel formula, 205. This week we are interviewing Hiten Shah, the founder of three successful startups (Survey.io, Crazy Egg and Kissmetrics) on understanding metrics that matter . Sean: 56:21 Okay. The pet photos were like, if nothing more, if you’re listening, go and just look at the pet photos because it’s adorable. Should You Launch Your Own Online Course? A one hundred percent proven plan for one hundred percent growth. It is recorded. Hiten: 35:10 Uh, yeah. Choose an embed size: 490×470 615×470 760×570.

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hiten shah kissmetrics