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I don't feel it's any different than traveling through the good ole USA. And there are a lot more different cultures depending on the region and the landscapes. Many USA states with a lack of 'Blacks' have been way worst in my past experiences. People of color are everywhere, more of us than them.

Agreed. Myke Reborn You can't ignore all these negative experiences those people had and why these things should not be be forgotten or discussed,because these things have a way of reemerging. Alicia Ojomoh , out of the lucky few, you got through. I've traveled, even alone on one occasion, so I'm pretty fearless and wouldn't let this article deter me from visiting. 8 of the Worst Countries For Black People to Travel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaDmOZkJ6s0, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Real-African-History-Passing-Down-Our-True-Past-to-Our-Posterity/523705011029050, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNSri2j9uBA&feature=youtube_gdata_player, http://www.amazon.com/Allies-Positive-Approach-Racial-Reconciliation/dp/0962180343, http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/04/16/5-ancient-black-civilizations-africa/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwh4MWKEp8w, http://www.proudblackbuddhist.org/Japanese_Are_Racist__A_Lecture/Black_Presence_Early_Japan.html, http://realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/China_2.htm, http://africanahgirl.com/2014/05/02/the-ups-and-downs-of-black-female-solo-travel, Global Movement Against Racism - Racistreport.org, ‘Saving Our Own Souls’: ABS CEO, Ugandan Activist Plea for an African Nation to Welcome Black People Being Airlifted Out of China, China’s New Immigration Policy Proposal Sparks Racial Backlash Against Blacks, Germany Urges EU to Divvy up Migrants Stranded at sea.

Hier ist der Lockdown für Ungeimpfte umstritten. Most AMERICANS of any race get themselves in trouble by being idiots when they should be guests. We are loved and hated in every country even our own! In the North, MANY Germans appear to look down on outsiders (regardless of color as my friends have experienced the same thing). I was also the first Black Man here to work with the President of Germany and his wife on the Cystric Foundation of Germany.. To me it's all unsettling. Because frankly I am surprised to see Italy on the list. It's got racism, sexism, and all the other problems that societies face. Donate free books? And slavery is still practiced in modern africa as it was 2,3,4,5000 years ago before European man was ever mobile enough to travel that far. If you could control yourself pull your pants up. But you can't. Because that tribal warfare and slavery was *because* they're black? And the same stuff goes on here in America. Sometimes I did and sometimes I would smile and politely shake my head. In den Niederlanden steigen die Infektionszahlen nach Lockerung der Maßnahmen wieder stark an. In Greece a woman couldn't understand why my hands and feet were white and my body was black. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It is not a history that should ever be forgotten. If anything, it puts us all, white and black, in the same boat over here- which is refreshing to me, to be honest. OF course they don't want you to travel, all you are suppose to know is the plantation and how you live on the best plantation in the world. Its unfortunate in this day and age, but racism is a global reality its everywhere! I lived in Germany and they detest darker skinned black men.

We started it all. Go out and see the world for yourself, you'd be surprised. alot of germans have an internalized hate for middle eastern immigrants and no doubt that's a big problem. at best you will have the time of your life, at worst you will receive the same F'D up treatment you've been used to getting at home everyday in the USA since the day you were born . As if this is what define what black Culture and people are. I saw it in the schools when I used to teach. Even in small towns where most people are its VERY safe, just remote places with less people are not totally safe. I live in Berlin now, and visited a few of those countries. Das Robert Koch-Institut rechnet damit, dass die Fallzahlen im Herbst und Winter beschleunigt steigen. It is unbelievable that this type of nonsense is published. The issue they have there are with Africans. How about 'donating' free books to our own communities, instead of worrying about the perception of racist people. blacks whites and what ever. Tourism is the third largest contributor to South Africa's GDP.

Actually, they hate Chinese and Koreans the most. Keep your damn mouth shut, have a good time, and dont hit on other mens women, and you will be fine. But you clearly said your son had no problems abroad. So don't get offended! The issue they have there are with Africans. Most people say Asian countries are a hell of a lot worse than Europe especially if you happen to be a black man wanting to date a girl. Germany is NOT racist country : AT ALL actually! Not once have I encountered racism in Berlin, or Bradenburg. Google it. "She must be from a foreign country." Are you living in germany or are watching the news? One other thing – I do have to take exception with everyone saying the USA deserves to be on the list.

They had suffered 49,000 violent attacks, with 4,000 being wounded. They stated that they had attended a few shows of mine and wanted that I would asist them with the undertaking of moving household goods from GI's, back to the Continental US, Korea, Japan, etc., I was the first Black man to receive a license from the Germans to continue to transport goods within Europe and or musical equipment.. I'm shocked that some people still have not educated themselves in "Genetics 101", particularly before speaking and writing on the topic in an open forum where "grown-ups" can see. They should have because History teaches us how Ethiopians punished them severely not once but twice during their attempt to colonize the fearless East African nation of Ethiopia.

Because they only want the rich to see the real world outside of the American bubble ( Fishtank), I am sorry but that 8 of the worst countries for Black people to travel REALLY pissed me off !!!! really isn't changing anything really. They asked me what I like to eat, do I get cold, and Asian women ask if they can see my vagina once to look at it. She speaks fluent Korean and met her husband there. I recently visited Barcelona Spain and had a very unpleasant experience. Der Waldbrand in der Marktgemeinde Reichenau an der Rax in Niederösterreich bereitet der Feuerwehr nach wie vor jede Menge Arbeit und Sorgen. foreign visitors in general? some people might talk "street" or whatever they call it, but again, this goes for people of all races, and is definitely not limited to people of colour. every time i go to Canada man they fucking harass me at border in Canada i never get treated racist in Canada but at the border they harass the shit out of me like they telling me don't come back here some times i be like i want to got o Canada to hang out then i be like fuck Canada man that border is a bitch. While I'm not saying racism doesn't exist in any of these places but I've always been treated nicely by the locals and haven't encountered rudeness much less racism.

i didnt like it but it work'd. Phil Kizer says: January 8, 2014 at 9:36 pm. No interviews with people of color that actually live in these countries. And yes, if being black, I would never set my foot in a really small town, not because I know for sure something bad will happen, but as a safety precaution, at least look the village up first. LOL! I've been to many of these countries and studied, and had no problems like this. Hmmmmm? Well, you can always move if you're feeling so put upon. Yes, you are right but some of it is white male jealousy! I have heard many times though that the East of Germany is to be avoided(except Berlin which is fine). I guess ignorance is NOT bliss. Russia? just because i can! Don't believe the HYPE!!! Trust me, Asian-on-Asian violence get get pretty ugly. This is also true. thank you for you sensible post.

), Just want to share that with anyone who doesn't know the language of Cantonese . I have businesses in all 3 for the past 7 years. Den Berghain-Partygängern wurde vom Bezirk jeweils empfohlen, sich testen und bei Symptomen einen PCR-Test machen zu lassen. You should have ask them what did they think after touching your hair, and I bet they would have said something negative. I love travelling. scaring Black people from travelling? It is not racism, it is only pure curiosity. I have a friend in Sweden who grew up there and is darker-skinned (not even distinctly "black", not being of African descent, but slightly darker and generally non-European looking). Also you have to consider the area..If Berlin has a ton of soldiers best believe the locals are not thrilled but this does mean their hatred is black men per say . Just because they have never seen black people before doesn't mean black people aren't there. I think we are all right in some ways but the wrong in understanding why there is racist. Because of this they have larger amounts of black nationals. I don't know why but a lot of Haitians do. Even their government has openly talked about how Blacks are 'inferior'. And these things they wrote about China and South Korea are just not true. look there are exemptions to the rule as everywhere. Miller Helena you may begin with not being disrespectful. I call BS on the majority of this list as well. Some of these places I wouldn't care to travel. And some of the examples they mentioned in the article, any one of us could have experienced wouldn't even know- like being inaccurately told there are no vacancies in a hotel. In places like Japan, they will deny you access to an apartment because of your race, and seriously a law that is allowed to intentionally discriminate? The world is an amazing place and you should visit every part that you can if you have the opportunity. not true. Most european countries have a rather facetious sense of humour. You don't hear White Americans with this sense of being special in calling themselves Euro Americans.

. for a dispatching job for a roofing company. That is like saying all African Americans walk with baggy pants, only listen to rap music, perform drive-by's, etc because of what is portrayed on TV.

In basket ball, you wouldn't know what a jump shot was or a slam dunk. Never let your guard down anywhere, Hell, I am scared to go to Chicago and I travel to a third world country every 3 months. Check out the movies for more details. Fear will leave you in a small box, soon to be pine!!!

I can then only come to the conclusion that our paradigms or points of origin or reference most definitely influence how we perceive things.

Get out of the States and see for your self.

What people have to understand is that propaganda is not only a tool used by the power structor its a weapon ; a very dangerous weapon , it can change a persons perception and views down to the core . Blick TV will wissen, wie es sich mit diesem strengen Regime lebt. Bottom line, racism is the fruit of ignorance, Dave, I have to disagree. Alicia Ojomoh men and women like this are the biggest problem with this race and are to be ostracised and excluded. Interesting article. I have vacationed in 3 of the 8 countries featured and have never experienced discrimination. smh. For example in the Odenwald (comes from Odinswood) we have cooked cheese, Applewine and the legend of the Nibelungs took place there. I call double bullshit. Their families still continue the exploitation into 2014. I have been to Spain-Barcelona, Italy, Berlin and am currently in Thailand.

Thailand is fine. I will stick with the islands and African countries. So maybe there may be more of that kind of racism in the eastern side but as a German and from being there many times and having family from there, the western side and indeed MOST of Germany is nice. Some people that have commented didn't say if they were in fact "dark skinned" or "very Light"t or "almost white" in complexion. I say you can't blame them too much, we (Africans) have done nothing on the world stage to demand respect, and its been this way since the advent of modern history. I guess they never succeeded in 'dumbing me down' you could say…She was staying at a resort in the downtown with her family..She related to me that she did not like staying in the downtown resort but preferred their sister resort an hour away. People are still playing the race card of hating African Americans/ blacks are the big bad woman/man … Poor people living in fear.".

Notify your embassies of your location at all times. Johnross Ford Racism is racism no matter what form it comes in. It's not particularly positive or particularly negative. My point is that you are just as likely, if not more likely to experience racism in the USA as in Europe. Granted by no means do I like this country, just stating some facts. The countries I have found the most racist have been Spain-Barcelona, people here seemed to be living in some type of time warp. Just a lot more staring that usual. They changed slaves names often. u will go back to the U.S. with a totally change of mind about this country….promise. I have collected data on racism and have talked to and listened to so many experiences. While what was said about Berlin is true a lot on this is misinformation. I can see how it is seen as racist when translated through direct translation, but it's actually not.

The white supremacy agenda is a system. Ringier.ch - We inform. Soooooo…. As soon as the wall of Berlin came down, this feeling of bias began between the West and the East..now the east is developing the bias against color people..is pretty much what happened in the US through out history. They just don't have the melanin. Martin Jennings … You have traveled to China. Paula Woods, thank you for your response. There is a definite stigma on being African, but when they find out you are American, their stars change from judgment to wonder. Their are IDIOTS and EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE everywhere but as for the majority ….. and is GERMANY suppose to be number one ???? They appreciated the fact that I was trying to learn their ways. "A person of African descent traveling to China should not be surprised if they are repeatedly stared at or even swarmed by crowds of curious Chinese who will treat them as a spectacle by taking pictures, touching their hair, rubbing their skin, and asking questions that reflect their ignorance and lack of interaction with Black people." u r the areshole learn how to respect to talk with others u white trash u pig's skin u albino monkey race, Jaz Siobhan jaz i m a brown man and in generall all white people are racist toward non whites in europe its worst and they r nice with u because they wana sleep with u but inside their heart they look to u as a subhumans since u r not white !! It almost seems like the country just wants Blacks gone completely and is doing every step they can to make it so and openly, with no shame at all. I had absolutely no problems even very late at night walking alone. I visited there back in 2007. i send u blessings from munich/germany …, Paula Woods True, look I have been in Peru twice, in 2009 and 2013, I love that country and Lima is a great city, besides they have good vibes with colombians, so that's an advantage. Let's not forget Black-on-Black racism. It's basic psychology. But for now who is to blame when all they have to go by is color. Hatred of their country. I think we are looking at this article from different perspective because the title has given it away too much. One would not want to be here the day Obama gets on TV to inform this bankrupt nation that the checks and food stamps are not going to be paid.

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