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organizational resilience: a valuable construct for management research?

McClure, R. and Sircar, S. (2008), “Quantitative literacy for undergraduate business students in the 21st century”, Journal of Education for Business, Vol. Galbraith, J.R. (1974), “Organization design: an information processing view”, Interfaces, Vol.

Absorptive capacity: A, come reality? Research methodology As discussed in the introduction, we aim to identify what do we know and do not know about the conceptualization and assessment of organizational resilience. 4, pp. Burnard and Bhamra 2011; Gunasekaran, 2011; Stephenson 2010). Found inside – Page 303While research in micro-organizational behavior generally focuses on resilience as a person-level construct, resilience can be viewed as a property of an individual, a dyad, a team or group, an organization, or a broader collective ... As the concept of organiza-, riphery to the forefront of business and management, plying the same search strings – to see whether the, concept has been applied in other studies as, for ex-, the prior search terms with a search in abstracts using, the search strings suggested by David and Han (2004), to identify empirical studies that are ‘data’ or ‘em-, pirical’ or ‘finding*’ or ‘test’ or ‘statistical’ or ‘evi-, dence’ or ‘result*’. Organisational resilience is reflected in the case study organisation's self-interested and altruistic policies and practices. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode. Third, another confusion about the concept e, around whether resilience is a single or multi-level, concept (Linnenluecke 2017).

(2011). This book is intended for graduate students in a range of disciplines, including psychology, education, sociology, health, and management, as well as social scientists pursing research careers in academic or other settings. Thus, the findings of this study allow us to conclude that OAC, when undertaken in the business routine, mainly to support the management of business processes by obtaining relevant information about the processes themselves, can positively influence resilience. Cosic, R., Shanks, G. and Maynard, S. (2015), “A business analytics capability framework”, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. Recent researches and findings by famous psychologists are stated at relevant points to relate the four core-constructs to the positive organizational behavior (POB). They demon-, strate what happens otherwise, taking the case of or-, ganizational effectiveness (Hirsch and Le, Since the construct of organizational resilience is not, a good time to approach the construct from a ‘valid-, ity police’ perspective. It is also related to some insensitivity, to negative feedback, and restoring confidence e, in the face of frequent discouragement (V, main includes the ability to emerge from that cri-, It is further related to learning from that experience. Here, or, zational resilience is ‘derived from a set of specific, organizational capabilities, routines, practices, and, processes by which a firm conceptually orients, diversity and adjustable integration’ (Lengnick-Hall, ture focuses on resilience at the individual level to, understand organizational resilience. It is the collective. A multiple regression analysis is applied to answer the hypotheses. (2016). Organizational resilience is traditionally associated with the ability to understand and to respond to the ongoing situation, even under unusual conditions. This pa- per confirms the necessity for reflecting upon the importance of national cultures to globally-working organizations. Research shows that resilience can be a powerful buffer. In this, it seems to be a protective, These concepts are antecedent to organizational, resilience. This work explores, as one of its constructs, organizational analytical capabilities (OAC), referred to as one of the five formative dimensions of business analytics (analytical capabilities, information quality, analytical technology, leadership commitment and analytical strategy) (Davenport et al., 2005). Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management 5(1): 1-6. (2007), when the population’s standard deviation is not known, one of the alternatives is to replace it with a standard deviation of the sample of a pilot study by means of a preliminary sample. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. Cause indicators could then be resilient behaviours, resilience resources or resilience capabilities that de-, termine a resilient response. Recommendations for creating better concept def-, initions in the organizational, behavioral, and social sci-. A clearly struc- Defining Inputs of Resilience. innovation as a mediator in Uganda parastatals. It is already well discussed in, contingency approaches in management research. Cho, S., Mathiassen, L. and Robey, D. (2006). described for a specific phenomenon. Third, measures provided are put into research groups that, include the base research discipline most strongly, represented in their conceptualization, and thus the, measure.

the ecological resilience of organizations. While DHS is very accomplished at performing its many missions, the nature of the DHS work environment is inherently stressful, and employees suffer from low morale. Acito, F. and Khatri, V. (2014), “Business analytics: why now and what next?”, Business Horizons, Vol. of organizational resilience. In their article, they suggest, several techniques to approach conceptual clarity, First, we examine definitions of the concept to, identify attributes of the concept. We conclude the paper by presenting a typology that shows how different levels of munificence and disturbance combine to produce two types of adaptive resilience (cladogenetic and anagenetic) and one type of non-adaptive resilience (inertia). In the field of the relationships between OAC and OR, one of the explanations for this result is that when the company develops its analytical capabilities, it improves its predictive capacity, and that by improving its predictive capacity, it can satisfactorily prepare itself for the risks of the environment, which culminates in strengthening its resilience capabilities. Employee Resilience and Organizational Resilience. Inspired by process-based studies, we suggest three successive resilience stages (anticipation, coping, and adaptation) and give an overview of underlying capabilities that together form organizational resilience.

18 No. (2013) corroborate Galbraith (1974) in a complementary manner, stating that the intensive use of data and information in business processes – through the integration of analytical capabilities of individuals/work teams and analytical technologies – can provide the extraction of knowledge from stored data, enabling the redesign of routines and forms of execution, the elimination of obsolete and inefficient procedures and the adoption of behaviors aligned with organizational objectives and strategies. And at the other end are organizations that may not enact resilience in difficult times, and therefore fail or deteriorate. Since the publication of the first edition in 2002, interest in crisis management has been fuelled by a number of events, including 9/11. silience: Continuous renewal of competitiv, Engendering resilience in small- and medium-sized en-, terprises (SMEs): A case study of Demmer Corpora-, back: Building resilience through social and environmen-, tal practices in the context of the 2008 global financial, sus reflective indicators in organizational measure de. 1-21. The, added references represent fundamental literature on, resilience in the business and management context, which has been omitted due to the specific search, systematic approach is valuable with regard to the, specific aspects investigated in this paper, that, a systematic approach was favoured to reduce, son and Ford 2014). Psychology Press, May 28, 2009 - Business & Economics - 574 pages. Organizational Resilience: A Valuable Construct for Management Research? Resilience hints at the sense of responsibility for the freight trans-portation system’s managing organization to take a more active role to understand the intricate relationship between freight transporta-tion, system infrastructure, and economic activity. (2006) point out that social relationships, . Offering a step-by-step approach to conducting literature reviews, the Fifth Edition features new research, examples, and references from the social, behavioral, and health sciences, expanded coverage of qualitative research, updated and ... Organizational studies scholars interested in advancing theory and practice of resilience will find this Research Handbook includes a range of important considerations for the field. Bayrak, T. (2015), “A review of business analytics: a business enabler or another passing fad”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. (1997), “Dynamic capabilities and strategic management”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. As is often the case, the best place to start is with constructive leadership. This Research Handbook identifies how resilience has evolved as a critical theoretical concept in the organizational sciences. Starr, R., Newfrock, J. and Delurey, M. (2003). An exploratory study of the, reasons for the collapse of contemporary companies and, lence: The Essential Capabilities of Agile and Resilient. The relation of the di-, mensions to the overall construct should be discussed, and analysed further by gathering more empirical ev-, idence that sheds more light on this discussion. (Ed. Nevertheless, there is still a series of barriers that organizations need to face in terms of collaboration and information sharing. Therefore, based on these assumptions, we seek to evaluate whether the use of OAC is significant to enhance the possible relationship between BPMM and OR. Hair, J.F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C.M. Organisational re-, silience: Development of a conceptual framew, Carmeli, A. and Markman, G.D. (2011). Ungar, M. (2013). We argue that entrepreneurs’ ability to identify and act on entrepreneurial opportunities during the crisis reflects their resilience, and their innovations facilitate new patterns of work, learning, and leisure activities in post-COVID-19 societies. 31 No. Unexpected delays and a lack of information about the movement of orders between origins and destinations frequently raise suspicions about something wrong – a stop at an unauthorized place to load illegal cargo, for example. Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations. opment: A comparison and empirical illustration. the concept of resilience to explain entrepreneurial suc-. A positive and significant correlation (. The analysis looks at both the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the selected enterprises and the risk management measures these enterprises had taken in response to the emerging global trends. CoRI of the refinery ranked as "III".

the organization was, not resilient). Thus, the cross-referencing of data and information enabled by OAC allows the production of knowledge and insights to aid decision-making, project future scenarios, capture opportunities and identify problems and other possibilities that help the organization perform satisfactory reconfigurations of resources to better respond to environmental challenges and therefore possibly collaborate for better resilience outcomes. With cau-, . The first attribute in, this domain deals with some form of adapting to, de-Mandojana and Bansal 2016). Estatística Aplicada à Administração e Economia, PepsiCo’s practical application of supply chain resilience strategies, Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Resource-Based Theory: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Maturity matters: performance determinants of the procurement business function, 16th European Conference on Information Systems, A review of business analytics: a business enabler or another passing fad, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Improving performance aligning business analytics with process orientation, International Journal of Information Management, The impact of advanced analytics and data accuracy on operational performance: a contingent resource based theory (RBT) perspective, A business analytics capability framework, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Creative problem solving in digital space using visual analytics, Competing on analytics: Babson executive education, Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning, Data, information and analytics as services, Properties that influence business process management maturity and its effect on organizational performance, Editorial to the special issue ‘business analytics, Quantitative models for managing supply chain risks: a review, Novas Leituras Sobre a Economia Do Espírito Santo, From risk to resilience: learning to deal with disruption, Organization design: an information processing view, A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), Drivers for improving supply chain performance: an empirical study, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, Integrating business analytics into strategic planning for better performance, Gestão de processos, indicadores analíticos e impactos sobre o desempenho competitivo em grandes e médias empresas brasileiras dos setores da indústria e de serviços, An overview of the business process maturity model (BPMM), Advances in Web and Network Technologies, and Information Management, The development of a supply chain management process maturity model using the concepts of business process orientation, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Quantitative literacy for undergraduate business students in the 21st century, Operational research from Taylorism to Terabytes: a research agenda for the analytics age, Handbook on Business Process Management 2, International Handbooks on Information Systems, Business analytics in supply chains – the contingent effect of business process maturity, Supply Chain Resilience: Development of a Conceptual Framework, an Assessment Tool and an Implementation Process, Ensuring supply chain resilience: development and implementation of an assessment tool, Ensuring supply chain resilience: development of a conceptual framework, Reassessing the scope of or practice: the influences of problem structuring methods and the analytics movement, Business process maturity’s effect on performance, 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Learning from practice: how HR analytics avoids being a management fad, Case study and maturity model for business process management implementation, Dynamic capabilities and strategic management, The impact of business analytics on supply chain performance, Perception, reality, and the adoption of business analytics: evidence from North American professional sport organizations, In free float: developing business analytics support for carsharing providers, The influence of relational competencies on supply chain resilience: a relational view, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Business analytics curriculum for undergraduate majors, Do perceptions become reality? other attributes that hint at the absence of resilience? (2017). from apple), or to reuse it as a substrate for pomace brandy. The concept has recently gained new mo-. Scholarly constructs follow a, lifecycle. There are several models and measures of resilience that treat the construct as something that an individual has and can report on based on prior experience (Britt et al., 2016). level, mention resilience only as a side concept, are practitioner-oriented articles or periodicals (see, the flowchart in the online supplementary material, and ancestry approach (Cooper 2010), we added 14, references (online supplementary material B). (2013, 2010) that within the scope of strategies to improve resilience is the prior adoption of certain measures and procedures, such as the focus on business process management, because it is recognized that such an initiative allows the improvement of an entire organization’s resilience capabilities. ment: A study of corporate responses to crises. Frequently, analytical methods and tools include a simulation component that allows the exploration of implementation scenarios of alternative processes. of organizational resilience capabilities.

Capture, go, nance, and resilience: Strategy implications from the his-, Carvalho, A.O.d., Ribeiro, I., Cirani, C.B.S.

(2011) specify that having a resilience ca-, . Their focus is not on mea-, surement of the concept, but rather the process be-, flect our findings and contrast it with these research, findings in the sense of taking an umbrella advocate, position again. and Harris, J.G. In addition, strategic management can also change its charler in relation to processes such as prolonged business cycles, shortened life cycles of … Enter, prise resilience: Managing risk in the networked econom, in a public agency: Leadership, learning and organisa-. and Pettit, T.J. (2015), “From risk to resilience: learning to deal with disruption”, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. Teece, D.J., Pisano, G. and Shuen, A. Strategies for winning. Revised edition of: Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work / edited by P. Alex Linley, Susan Harrington, Nicola Garcea. -- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Finally, after performing the tests required by the PLS-SEM software in the measurement models and structural model, the tests were developed to obtain the significance of the moderating effect exerted by the OAC construct. Sections cover the nature of resilience at employee, team and organizational levels; the processes and dynamics of resilience in different contexts; and the antecedents and outcomes of these forms of resilience. Although the value of the path coefficient was not high, it proved to be significant for the relationship between OAC and OR. Organizational adaptabil-, ity is defined as ‘the capacity of an organization to, respond to changing external environment’ (Staber, investigated as a separate concept. Aleksi, Over the last years, the body of research on re-, silience in business and management has increased, strongly (Linnenluecke 2017). 59, pp. This book defines "national resilience", describes the state of knowledge about resilience to hazards and disasters, and frames the main issues related to increasing resilience in the United States. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to present a systematic review of the organizational resilience construct that covers both conceptual and operational issues. Undoubtedly, the changes imposed by the current political and economic situation generate turbulence and mark the trajectory of the sectors of industry, commerce and service of Espírito Santo, compelling these sectors to incorporate into their operations and strategies technological and managerial innovations that are able to cope with the modifications that have been occurring in the internal and external markets. After this introduction, in Section 2, the conceptual model, the research hypotheses and the theoretical relationship between the variables are presented. ply Chain Management: An International Journal. This book invites organizational scholars to build upon and extend the positive organizational phenomena being examined. 28-36, available at: https://doi.org/10.1287/inte.4.3.28. This study contributes to theory and practice by examining the role of continuous improvement in SMEs’ resilience. 1-18, available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-015-9554-5, Doumpos, M. and Zopounidis, C. (2016), “Editorial to the special issue ‘business analytics’”, Omega, Vol. Drawing on theoretical approaches to resilience from communication (Buzzanell, 2010), organizational behavior (Weick & Sutcliffe, 2011), and motivational psychology (Dweck, 2016) we introduce a model that views resilience as a dynamic construct in organizations.

Ranyard, J.C., Fildes, R. and Hu, T.-I.

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organizational resilience: a valuable construct for management research?