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please match the theories with their descriptions

These theories explain different types of social behaviors, using a set of constructs, propositions, boundary conditions, assumptions, and underlying logic. Which learning theory represents a combination of behaviorist and cognitive principles of learning? When school personnel refer to the achievement gap, they are typically referring to. Elaboration Likelihood Model . August 4, 2015.

Furthermore, variables may be independent, dependent, mediating, or moderating, as discussed in Chapter 2. Sigmund Freud: Sigmund Freud developed his theory of development based on five psychosexual stages. The macrosystem is a component of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory that focuses on how cultural elements affect a child's development, such as socioeconomic status, wealth, poverty, and ethnicity.

His alternative rearing technique, also called maternal deprivation, is considered highly controversial today. Children begin to compare themselves with their peers to see how they measure up. In postformal thinking, decisions are made based on situations and circumstances, and logic is integrated with emotion as adults develop principles that depend on contexts.

It is characterized by the idea that children develop the ability to think in abstract ways. Given the nature of their underlying assumptions, economic and political theories are not directly comparable, and researchers should not use economic theories if their objective is to understand the power structure or its evolution in a organization. Compounding the nature of the problem may be information asymmetry problems caused by the principal’s inability to adequately observe the agent’s behavior or accurately evaluate the agent’s skill sets. B. This is the “me do it” stage. Theories should explain why things happen, rather than just describe or predict. Developed by Frederick Taylor, he was one of the first to study work performance scientifically. 4. Kohlberg’s theory has been criticized for emphasizing justice to the exclusion of other values, with the result that it may not adequately address the arguments of those who value other moral aspects of actions. There are many barriers to teaching, which of the following is not one of these barriers? Contains DNA and control's the cell's activity. Justice refers to fairness and equality when distributing goods and services. The cumulative adoption pattern therefore an S-shaped curve, as shown in Figure 4.3, and the adopter distribution represents a normal distribution. Summarize Kohlberg’s stages of psychosocial development. A combination of their job description and their individual personality traits will help you better delegate your team's assignments. Found insideAUTHOR GUIDELINES Authors are kindly requested to submit their manuscript only through the online submission module at WWw.pensoft.net/journals/Zookeys. In case of difficulties with the submission procedure, please contact ... The sensorimotor stage occurs from birth to age 2 and is characterized by the idea that infants " think " by manipulating the world around them. After we have developed a sense of self in adolescence, we are ready to share our life with others. The third child fails to show an understanding of conservation, and thus is likely still in the preoperational stage of cognitive development. Adherence to rules and conventions is somewhat rigid during these stages, and a rule’s appropriateness or fairness is seldom questioned. At each stage there is a crisis or task that we need to resolve. Intrapersonal intelligence: The capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs . The ideas form a "screen" through which to understand and evaluate whatever psychology has to offer education. The six major ethical principles to patient education include: Autonomy, veracity, confidentiality, nonmalfeasance, beneficence, justice. Failure to master these tasks leads to feelings of inadequacy. Among the beliefs with which an individual evaluates the control over Which of the following should occur first? Fourth, theories can contribute to cumulative knowledge building by bridging gaps between other theories and by causing existing theories to be reevaluated in a new light. Which of the following is not a benefit of health education?

Match the following terms with their description: A program goal is all of the following except: Match the terms below with its definition. A person's inner value system expressed through external behaviors is defined by: Which term relates the most to the following definition: the doing or non-doing of an act, pursuant to a duty, that a reasonable person in the same circumstances would or would not do and the acting or the non-acting is the proximate cause of injury to another person or his property. Found inside – Page 1There are some best practices of using teaching aids in classroom. Below are given certain teaching media aids, please match them according to the size of the class in terms of number of students and the teaching aid to be used: skills ...

In the third lecture of Module 1, ethical and legal aspects of patient education were presented. People choose the ethical principles they want to follow, and if they violate those principles, they feel guilty. McGregor's Participation Theory 5. Innovations may include new technologies, new practices, or new ideas, and adopters may be individuals or organizations. The fourth approach is to apply existing theories in entirely new contexts by drawing upon the structural similarities between the two contexts. The stage of cognitive development in which infants explore their environment and try to coordinate sensory information with motor skills is known as: Infectious diseases cause 7 out of 10 deaths each year. In stage 6, moral reasoning is based on abstract reasoning using universal ethical principles. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are in the order of physiological needs, safety and security needs. We will discuss the grounded theory approach in a later chapter on qualitative research. New material presented to the language learner should be slightly above their current level of knowledge. The concrete operational stage occurs from age 7 to age 11. While understanding theories, it is also important to understand what theory is not. He used the idea of moral dilemmas—stories that present conflicting ideas about two moral values—to teach 10 to 16 year-old boys about morality and values.

While expanding our knowledge of broad theories as a central focus continues to diminish, present-day researchers typically embrace one or more of four foundational learning-theory domains. During the preconventional level, a child’s sense of morality is externally controlled. How can we evaluate the “goodness” of a given theory? This approach relies on reasoning by analogy, and is probably the most creative way of theorizing using a deductive approach.

People in a state of high elaboration likelihood (high ability and high motivation) are more likely to thoughtfully process the information presented and are therefore more influenced by argument quality, while those in the low elaboration likelihood state are more motivated by peripheral cues.

However, informed consent was not obtained and the men enrolled in the study were never given adequate treatment. [1]. Scientific theories are different from theological, philosophical, or other explanations in that scientific theories can be empirically tested using scientific methods. When people reach their 40s, they enter the time known as middle adulthood, which extends to the mid-60s. The fluid, cytoskeleton, and organelles inside a cell. Piaget's proposed stages of development. In this study, Ainsworth placed children between the ages of 1 and 2 in unfamiliar situations to assess the type and level of their attachment to their caregivers. John Bowlby’s contributions to the theory of attachment formation are heavily influenced by ethology (the scientific study of human and animal behavior), including an emphasis on the evolutionary origins and biological purposes of behavior. Found inside – Page 9The question concerns standards of accuracy in a match between an account or theoretical description and the ... Theories or their hypotheses compete with one another to explain the available data; the survivors become placed in the ... For the following, number the steps of assessing a learner's needs in the correct order: Match Jung and Myer-Briggs Typology to the correct dimensions/preferences. Interpersonal intelligence: The capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations, and desires of others. Agency theory also recommends tools that principals may employ to improve the efficacy of behavior-based contracts, such as investing in monitoring mechanisms (such as hiring supervisors) to counter the information asymmetry caused by moral hazard, designing renewable contracts contingent on agent’s performance (performance assessment makes the contract partially outcome-based), or by improving the structure of the assigned task to make it more programmable and therefore more observable.

Character Analysis. If a theory is to be properly used or tested, all of its implicit assumptions that form the boundaries of that theory must be properly understood. Sigmund Freud: Stressed the importance of early childhood events, the influence of the unconscious, and sexual instincts in the development and formation of personality. Finally, all theories are constrained by assumptions about values, time, and space, and boundary conditions that govern where the theory can be applied and where it cannot be applied. They will be unsure of their identity and confused about the future. Other editions 1983, 1996, 2005. The underlying concept is the belief that an unsatisfied need creates tension and a state of disequilibrium. A theory is a structured set of statements used to explain (or predict) a set of facts or concepts.Ý A moral theory, then, explains why a certain action is wrong -- or why we ought to act in certain ways.ÝÝ In short, it is a theory of how we determine right and wrong conduct.Ý Also, moral theories provide the framework upon which we think . This is also an inductive approach that relies heavily on the inductive abilities of the researcher, and interpretation may be biased by researcher’s prior knowledge of the phenomenon being studied. From birth to 12 months of age, infants must learn that adults can be trusted. Porter and Lawler's Expectancy Theory. TPB is an extension of an earlier theory called the theory of reasoned action, which included attitude and subjective norm as key drivers of intention, but not behavioral control. Match the Four learning types with its definition based on Kolb's Cycle of Learning. For instance, Markus (1987) [3] used analogic similarities between a nuclear explosion and uncontrolled growth of networks or network-based businesses to propose a critical mass theory of network growth. In the peripheral route, subjects rely on external “cues” such as number of prior users, endorsements from experts, or likeability of the endorser, rather than on the quality of arguments, in framing their attitude towards the target object. ; Carl Jung: Focused on concepts such as the collective . Bowlby introduced the idea of the caregiver as a “secure base” for the child, and that this secure base was either successfully created during childhood or was not. In his research, he carefully observed children and presented them with problems to solve that were related to object permanence, reversibility, deductive reasoning, transitivity, and assimilation (described below). Which of the following is a motivational incentive? Hypotheses, Predictions, and Laws Found inside – Page 198Questions 1 Please match the following terms: ____ Need for increased dose to attain desired effect of drug (a) Anxiolytics ... 6 Prior to her death in 2011, the talented singer Amy Winehouse received considerable attention due to her ... PSY100 Chapter 10 Inquizitive. Here are seven important management theories to be aware of: 1. Propositions are stated in declarative form and should ideally indicate a cause-effect relationship (e.g., if X occurs, then Y will follow). Children at this stage are very egocentric, meaning they focus on themselves and how actions will impact them, rather than others.

Problem-solving strategies using postformal thought vary depending on the situation. Found insideAUTHOR GUIDELINES Authors are kindly requested to submit their manuscript only through the online submission module at www.pensoftonline.net/zookeys. In case of difficulties with the sub— mission procedure, please contact ... First, theories provide the underlying logic of the occurrence of natural or social phenomenon by explaining what are the key drivers and key outcomes of the target phenomenon and why, and what underlying processes are responsible driving that phenomenon. Her research showed that children generally use the parent as a secure base from which to explore an unfamiliar room, and they become upset or uncomfortable when the parent leaves and a new individual (not known to the child) enters the room. Furthermore, observing certain patterns of events will not necessarily make a theory, unless the researcher is able to provide consistent explanations for the observed patterns. At this point, children still struggle with Theory of Mind (Empathy) and can't really get their head around the viewpoints of others. When adolescents are apathetic, do not make a conscious search for identity, or are pressured to conform to their parents’ ideas for the future, they may develop a weak sense of self and experience role confusion. Complexity is negatively correlated to innovation adoption, while the other four factors are positively correlated. Harlow raised baby Rhesus monkeys in a nursery-type setting away from their mothers; he gave them surrogate mothers made out of wire and wood, to which the babies developed attachment bonds. Piaget was interested in the development of “thinking” and how it relates to development throughout childhood. Found inside – Page 965Satisfaction: Users accepted telemedicine because it can satisfy, please, match or suit with their current life style and/or regular background. In particular, telemedicine is consistent with how they want to continue to seek for ... Which Learning Theory focuses on what is "inside" the learner's head?

The focus of GDT is not how to rehabilitate criminals and avert future criminal behaviors, but how to make criminal activities less attractive and therefore prevent crimes. The formal operational stage occurs from age 11 to adulthood and is characterized by the idea that children develop the ability to think in abstract ways. Show that the following operators are hermitian.

Matching major theories with theorists. In the end, even in the situations in which the wire mother had food and the cloth mother had none, the baby monkeys preferred to cling to the cloth mother for comfort. Which best describes the motivational axiom of learner readiness? Krashen's SLA theory has 5 hypotheses. For example, a child who understands the principles of conservation will recognize that identical quantities of liquid will remain the same despite the size of the container in which they are poured. The preoperational stage occurs from age 2 to age 7 and is characterized by the idea that children use symbols to represent their discoveries.

The term ethical refers to rules of behavior that are enforceable under threat of punishment or penalty, such as a fine, imprisonment, or both. I will describe all of them briefly,… In other words, infants develop attachment to their caregivers—upon whom they are dependent—as a means of survival. From the very beginning, when the human . The two parties in this theory are the principal and the agent; the principal employs the agent to perform certain tasks on its behalf. This generates a Belbin Team Role Report which can be use in a myriad of ways. People in early adulthood (20s through early 40s) are concerned with intimacy vs. isolation. If denied the opportunity to act on her environment, she may begin to doubt her abilities, which could lead to low self-esteem and feelings of shame. McClelland's Need Theory 4. Found insideIn science, observation directs our theories, and Bugs's having a different model of reality—because he hasn't studied the law of gravity— doesn't mean that the observation will change to match his theory. If our theory doesn't match ...

x d dx e3x + e-3x iv. Sure, it's expanding, but matter is created to make the universe uniform With every big bang, there comes a big crunch. learners become more or less likely to perform a behavior based on whether consequences experienced by the model they observe are reinforcing or punishing. The Toulmin model (or "system") can be used as a tool for developing, analyzing, and categorizing arguments. The education process is a systematic, logical, planned course of action consisting of two major, Observation, interviews, and learning style instruments are three mechanisms used to, Obstacles to learning are defined as those factors that positively affect the ability of the learner. To test our theories we mostly use artificial laboratory ecosystems, but we also analyze long-term data from natural ecosystems and infectious diseases of humans, corals, and other organisms. He said that people in late adulthood reflect on their lives and feel either a sense of satisfaction or a sense of failure. The sensorimotor stage occurs from birth to age 2 and is characterized by the idea that infants ” think ” by manipulating the world around them. Adults can recognize, for example, that what seems to be an ideal solution to a disagreement with a coworker may not be the best solution for a disagreement with a romantic partner. Contains the lenses.

Attachment in infants is primarily a process of proximity-seeking to an identified attachment figure in situations of perceived distress or alarm for the purpose of survival. QUESTION 6 Match the following descriptions of conspiracy theory believers with the conspiracy theory characteristic that applies to it: - Believers in conspiracy theories are afraid of A. Barriers to teaching can best be described as factors that: impede the teacher's ability to deliver educational services to the learner. This theory has interesting implications not only for traditional crimes, but also for contemporary white-collar crimes such as insider trading, software piracy, and illegal sharing of music. In 1990, a fourth category, known as disorganized attachment, was added by Ainsworth’s colleague Mary Main.

The first two children are confronted with a classic conservation task concerning liquid volumes.

In adolescence (ages 12–18), children face the task of identity vs. role confusion. ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of the most important theories of motivation are as follows: 1. Major theories and models of learning. The rate of diffusion a lso depends on characteristics of the social system such as the presence of opinion leaders (experts whose opinions are valued by others) and change agents (people who influence others’ behaviors). Patient's Bill of Rights is linked to Autonomy, Confidentiality, Beneficence, but not Veracity and Justice. to the hypothesis a,b,c,d : 1. It seems that once we reach adulthood, our problem-solving abilities change: as we attempt to solve problems, we tend to think more deeply about many areas of our lives, such as relationships, work, and politics (Labouvie-Vief & Diehl, 1999). [2] Steinfield, C.W. What is the focus of the Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS) Model? Developed by Petty and Cacioppo (1986) [7], the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) is a dual-process theory of attitude formation or change in the psychology literature. They begin to show clear preferences for certain elements of the environment, such as food, toys, and clothing.

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please match the theories with their descriptions